44: It's Dad

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Shi Li hasn't reacted yet.

He stared blankly at the person holding him.

Everything was so sudden.

The little Bichon's movements were very sudden, the words appeared very suddenly, and the call was connected and hung up too suddenly.

Dad's appearance was also very sudden, like falling from the sky, with an unreal feeling that he could not touch.

But this hug is real.

It was more natural and comfortable than the unfamiliar embrace of his elder brother. It was a familiar feeling that he could not forget in the vague memories of the past.

This familiarity is mixed with life.

How long had it been since he had been hugged by his father like this? Sitting in the other person's arms, your field of vision suddenly rises, and you don't have to think about anything.

Can not remember.

"What's wrong? Don't you recognize daddy?"

Although Shi Fuchuan was only on a business trip for more than half a month, and he said goodbye to him properly before leaving. Xiaoying said that the child cried for a long time, but after one night, he quickly Forgot about it.

Shi Fuchuan was not surprised when he thought this. He was always very tolerant of this child who was born with some difficulties. His voice had also accumulated over the years and had a unique deepness. "It's okay, dad can do it this time." Stay at home longer, your elder brother is very powerful."

He could relax a little more.

Shi Fuchuan is nearly middle-aged. Although he is forty-six years old, like Mr. Gu next door, he works out regularly. He holds the cub firmly in his arms and has a suit coat that he just took off. , with a faintly tired expression, as if he had just experienced a long journey, finally returned home, and for some reason received a call from his wife, and then left home in a hurry.

Then he came to Xiaoli.

In his memory, his father was always very busy because he was in charge of a huge company and kept traveling on business trips--

The relationship between the other party and the eldest brother and eldest sister is relatively close. After all, he personally raised the two brothers and sisters who left their mother when they were born.

During the few family gatherings after growing up, the second brother, who had a jumpy personality, would sometimes make some jokes with his father.

"Why don't you speak?" Shi Fuchuan asked again.

The dumb cub came back to his senses in a daze, blinked his black eyes, and called tentatively, "Dad?" Then he said, "Dad is back from work?" Xiaoli subconsciously asked this question that he had asked in the previous life

Shi Fuchuan responded.

The cub shook his short legs, a little nervous, "Lili can come down and take a few walks."

Shi Fuchuan was a little surprised, and looked at the cub in his arms for a few times before putting him down.

It seems that what Lili said on the phone is much better, and it is indeed true.

Lili was obviously very nervous. She looked around and took the little Bichon's dog leash as if she were looking for a friend to accompany her.

The puppy followed the cub's feet and walked on its four legs.

Lili also followed the adult's legs, her footsteps clicking, trying hard to find a topic, "Dad, look, this is a new puppy at home, but mom didn't say how the puppy came to the house. "It's."

Shi Fuchuan asked, "Do you like it?"

The cub did not hesitate this time and nodded, "It's Xifan."

"That's good."

After finishing this topic, it took a long, long time for Lili to think of it. A new one, more time, he grabbed the hem of the hanging suit coat and was slowly taken home.

As soon as I entered, I smelled the delicious food prepared by my aunt.

Today is Saturday.

Everyone in the family who can come back is rushing back, including Shi Cheng who is in the cram school. This is the first time in the past two months that the Shi family has been together and everyone is sitting together to have dinner.

Sitting in the main seat, Shi Fuchuan had already changed out of his dusty white shirt, put on casual clothes at home, and put on gold-rimmed glasses.

There was a news broadcast on the TV in the living room.

Shi Cheng stood next to him, holding a thick stack of transcripts, much more formal than usual, "Dad, these are the tests I took this month." After that, he added He said, "Don't worry, I haven't lost my ranking yet."

Shi Fuchuanzi looked at each one carefully, "Why did the creature suddenly change?"

Shi Cheng choked up and said hesitantly, "Suddenly I'm interested in this subject."

Shi Fuchuan closed the report card and said nothing. He just raised his eyes and looked at Shi Cheng with a shrewd gaze behind the mirror.

A second later,

Shi Cheng said nothing and said, "I want to study medicine."

Shi Fuchuan did not express any opinion, simply said "ok" and continued to ask, "Which school do you want to study in?" Is your home far away?"

Shi Cheng thought for a moment, "I haven't thought about it, but I will definitely take the best one if I go."

Shi Fuchuan said, "When you grow up, you can make your own decisions."

Shi Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, He scratched his head again, "Dad, I'm only sixteen."

Shi Fuchuan put down the report card, "Your brother is sixteen. Just when I'm busy, he can cook at home by himself and take your sister to live with him. I When you were sixteen, you started trying to work on an independent project."

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