62: Big Sister

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Li was still feeling guilty for eating the last lollipop of her eldest sister, while Shi Yunjing was already replaying the scene that just happened in front of the monitor.

Just a few minutes of play took the crew a whole morning.

Director Shi Da does not do anything special on the set and eats box lunches with everyone, but today is a bit special, a three-year-old cub came.

Shi Yunjing walked around, took three boxes of lunch, and returned to the RV, "Dad."

She handed it over, "Here."

Shi Fuchuan was making a small bed for Lili to sleep at night, and brought the small bed he brought over. Blankets and small pillows were put up, and even new sheets were put on.

The bed board used for sleeping is the sofa that was originally used for sitting in the RV. Open the sofa cushions on both sides, clean everything on the table, push the table board down, and a small bed board is assembled. With three soft sofa cushions, the mattress is no longer needed.

Shi Fuchuan walked to the door of the RV, took it, placed it on the porch on both sides, and stepped aside.

Shi Yunjing stepped up and said, "Don't dislike it, the meat today is quite big." She was so hungry that she opened the lunch box and took a look. It was fried eggs with tomatoes and fried meat with fried tofu, and it also came with a The big chicken drumstick, I picked it up and took two bites while standing without caring about the image.

Shi Fuchuan frowned slightly, "Sit down to eat, where is Lili?"

Shi Yunjing said vaguely, "I'm busy, I don't have time." She put down the lunch box in her hand and walked to the RV, "Sit in front of the monitor ."

"Eating sweets."

Shi Fuchuan bent over and took a look, and saw the black-haired cub sitting on the pony, holding a lollipop in his mouth. His eyes were not focused on the real thing. He seemed a little bored and was in a daze. .

But he still sat on the pony.

Everything around him was empty. Most of the crew went to get lunch boxes and found a shady place to sit, or returned to the RV they had pitched and brought here.

Only the cub looked like a kindergarten kid who had just finished school. Everyone else had left. He was still sitting in the small shadow, quietly waiting for his parents to pick him up.

Well-behaved and sensible.


Shi Fuchuan called out.

The dazed cub suspected that he had heard wrongly. When he turned his head and saw his father bending down at the door of the RV, his black eyes lit up. He held the little bichon and stood up from the pony. His short legs clicked. "Papa!"

Shi Fuchuan hurriedly got out of the RV, caught the cub rushing towards him, and held Xiaoli in his arms.

Lili stretched out her short hands to hug her father's legs, burying her face in the adult's clothes.

Because he had a lollipop in his mouth, the candy stick poked Shi Fuchuan's body, which stung a little, but he didn't say anything or tell the cub. Instead, he squatted down, hugged Lili, and spoke warmly. He asked, "What's wrong?"

After a while, he realized that he was a little excited, and his face turned pink involuntarily. He held the melted candy in his mouth, and after a while, he said slowly, Somewhat vague and embarrassed, "Lili can help daddy."

It seems that because I have been alone for too long, it is difficult to detect the need for companionship. After holding it in for a long time, I choked out a few words, "Wo, Wo miss Papa."

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