93: Separation

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The direct flight from Beijing to France takes about twelve hours. It is now seven or eight o'clock in the evening in Beijing.

Translated to the other side, that's around 2 p.m.

That statement was indeed no joke.

There was indeed a flight back to China in the evening, but it took off at two in the morning.

Shi Li calculated in his mind and was confused for a moment, "Didn't I say you're not allowed to come over?"

There was a faint "hmm" from the other side.

Shi Li opened his lips, not knowing what to say. In the end, he could only turn the distress that he didn't even realize into words of concern, "Are you tired? Did you sleep on the plane?"

"You did, it's okay."

"Which airport?"


The words coming from the earphones paused and whispered four words.

"I'm coming here now, don't run around."

It was like telling some misbehaving little animal.

After Shi Li finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He quietly put the unfinished paper into his schoolbag, planning to stay up late to finish it when he came back tonight. Then he pretended to have just finished his homework and walked out of the corridor with his schoolbag in his arms. walked through the aisle.

Then he pretended to be nonchalant and glanced down at the living room.

Because both mother and Lele came back tonight, Shi Fuchuan was rarely in the mood to sit in the living room, occasionally chatting with Lele, and chatting with Xiang Xiaoying from time to time.

Switch to a few familiar channels and watch TV and the news.

Shi Li quietly returned to his room, closed the door and looked at the time on his phone. It was eight o'clock in more than ten minutes.

Around this time, Dad will go back to the study to work. After a while, it will be time for him to take a shower and go to bed.

As long as Shifuchuan goes up, my mother will go back to the room to remove her makeup. My eldest brother has been in the study for the past two days and rarely does anything.

Shi Li mentally demonstrated the process of sneaking out of the house, nodded, and secretly made up his mind to do that later.

He placed his bag at the foot of the bed.

He leaned against the door of his room, hugged his knees and sat on the carpet, breathing in and out quietly, listening attentively to whether there was anyone walking by outside the door.

From time to time I look at the time on my phone.

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes...

the almost stagnant time passed slowly in the anxious waiting.

It was already past eight o'clock, but Shi Li still didn't hear anything. He couldn't help but quietly turned the door handle, opened it a crack, and put his ear to listen to the sounds outside the door.

I could vaguely hear the vague sound of the TV coming from the living room.

Mom and dad haven't gone upstairs yet.

Shi Li took a deep breath and couldn't help but glance at the time.

He was afraid that the other party would wait too long, but Shi Li rarely tried to go out at such a late hour, and even asked for a car to go to a place as far away as the suburban airport.

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