72: Eat Yuanyuan

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They asked Xiaoying about Shi Fuchuan, and after learning that they had eaten something before boarding the plane, they had been hungry until now and could hardly sit still, so they asked Aunt Liu to make some midnight snacks.

While the kitchen was busy, the three of them went back to their rooms to pack their things. Although Shi Yunjing rarely came back, her room was cleaned every day.

When I was young, my mother took me to take a hot and comfortable bath, and changed into light summer pajamas.

When Xiang Xiaoying finished packing the suitcase and led Lili down, Shi Yunjing, who had just finished taking a shower, casually wrapped her hair in a hair towel and grabbed the game controller in the living room without drying her hair. .

"Sister, wait until I finish this fight, please!"

"Can't you fight with eldest sister? Brat!"

On the other side, Shi Fuchuan, who had also taken a shower and changed into pajamas, was sitting at home with Shi Sheng. Next to the bar, with a cup of wolfberry water and a cup of coffee, the father and son sat together, looking at the same computer screen.

Shi Fuchuan whispered, "The reason why we can't reach agreement on this cooperation with the Chen family is because-"

Shi Sheng said, "Cost-effectiveness?"

Shi Fuchuan said "hmm" approvingly, "The other company can The price of the raw materials provided is lower than ours, but our quality is slightly better, and the Chen family is more interested in long-term cooperation."

Shi Sheng guessed, "You can try to discuss with the Chen family when signing a long-term contract, we can promise

The follow-up Huili?"

Shi Fuchuan, "Yes..."

Xiao Li sniffed the tip of his nose and smelled the fragrance in the kitchen. He pulled Xiang Xiaoying and held his hand, "Mom, it smells good."

Xiang Xiaoying held his hand.

Xiaoying picked up Lili and said, "Auntie made round balls that Lili likes to eat."

The cub repeated what his mother said, "Yuanyuan?"

His black eyes lit up slightly.

"But Lili must remember to brush her teeth after eating."


Aunt Liu quickly brought up the prepared supper. There was chicken soup specially left over from dinner, and she also steamed a plate of shrimp dumplings and crab roe buns, and put them in the pot. The warm wontons, and finally the round dumplings that Lili mentioned - glutinous rice balls that Aunt Liu had made by herself before and had been kept in the refrigerator. They had both sesame and peanut flavors.

The dining table of the Shi family was so full for the first time this year. There was a circle of people around, and everyone had something to say.

Xiaoli, who was sitting in a child seat, was also pushed to the dining table. She used the little tiger ceramic bowl she bought before and added a new pink pig-shaped plate.

It lay heavy on his little dining table.

There were two round little glutinous rice balls in the bowl, and her mother put a piece of shrimp dumpling on the plate. Shi Fuchuan, who was sitting next to her, took a crab roe bun and placed it in Lili's hand.

Shi Li was a little at a loss, "Papa, Li Li can't eat anymore."

Shi Sheng said, "If you can't eat it, leave it to big brother."

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