73: Lele is good

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Shi Yunjing plans to show Lili every other week. Even if she goes out to shoot a video, she can send the compiled screenshots to her little mom or dad.

Just give it to whoever is at home.

She glanced at the cub who was already sleeping on the bed, and carefully picked up the tablet that she had just transferred the photos to from her phone using Bluetooth.

Sitting at the end of the bed and reading the news, Shi Yunjing studied how to turn off the lights in the room. She looked at a wire hanging from the ceiling to the small bed and pulled it tentatively.

There was a "click" sound.

The night light beside the bed was turned off.

It was a little funny to her. This kind of extremely old lamp was made by her father at a glance. Shi Yunjing shook his head, stood up and yawned. He turned off the big light in the bedroom before going out, and then quietly opened the room. The door closes.

The next day was Friday. Except for Shi Cheng who finished cram school and went home for the holiday, most of the family was busy. Xiang Xiaoying and Shi Yunjing took Uncle Liu's car to the movie theater area. One continued filming, while the other went to sit on the set and watched the actors refill the scenes.

Shi Fuchuan took his eldest son Shi Sheng's car and went to the headquarters of the Shi family company to deal with the business contracts that had accumulated during the week.

Today, only Lili and her second brother were at home. After breakfast, he followed his mother's footsteps and walked to the gate.

"Bye bye, mom."

"Bye bye, dad."

"Bye bye, big brother and sister, too."

The cub raised its little face, said in a milky voice, and waved politely.

Shi Cheng bit a fried dough stick, dragged his shoes over and said vaguely, "Mom, I'm going to take Lili to walk the dog later, right?" Xiang Xiaoying nodded, "Well, it's in the garden and outside. You can also take a walk on the path, or you can go to the central park."

Shi Cheng responded.

People at home left one after another.

Shi Cheng took a look and lay down next to the open door, still looking at the cub stupidly as the car drove away. He finished the fried dough sticks in his hands in a few mouthfuls and went to wash his hands, "Aunt Liu! Let's go out too. Come on!"

Aunt Liu, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, stuck her head out and said, "Okay! Be careful on the road!"

"Come here." Shi Cheng looked around and decided that everyone was gone, then waved to the cub.

Lili, who was holding Lele's hand, followed her second brother forward in confusion.

Then he followed Shi Cheng all the way to the depths of the garden and watched the second brother dig a bicycle out of the grass.

Pure black, mountain bike.

Super cool.

Shi Cheng nonchalantly wiped the water drops on the seat with the hem of his clothes. They were the morning dew left by the bicycle after being left in the wild overnight.

Then, Xiaoli watched blankly as her second brother rummaged through the grass again and dug out a bicycle with a front-mounted child seat.

It's pink and printed with gaudy patterns. It's cute, but it doesn't match this pure black mountain bike at all.

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