07: Close the umbrella

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Before Shi Li could figure out why she didn't have to go to kindergarten, Aunt Liu served a bowl of warm egg porridge on the small table with child seats in front of her.

It looked like it was specially made for the cubs. The porridge and rice were stewed very well. Only a little salt was added, no other seasonings were added, and a little minced meat was added to increase the taste.

Full of color and fragrance.

The cub with simple thoughts immediately forgot about school. He held his own small bowl and said slowly, "Thank you, aunt."

Aunt Liu wiped her hands on her apron, "Eat quickly, eat quickly."

In addition to the porridge, some blanched spinach was also prepared. Xiang Xiaoying picked up a few spinach and put them into a small bowl with a placemat.

Because Lili can eat by herself these days, she also specially bought auxiliary chopsticks and auxiliary spoons for cubs to learn how to eat.

There are two rings on the sides of chopsticks and spoons, making it easier for cubs to hold them firmly.

Lili dug into the porridge and drank it in mouthfuls. Occasionally, he could hear the "chirp" sound after his mouth was not closed. He ate deliciously and was not picky about food. He also put spinach in his mouth and slowly swallowed it.

It's very worry-free.

Xiang Xiaoying, who wanted to feed Lili like before, was stunned every time.


Ten o'clock in the morning.

In an open-air park in the center of Beijing, a middle-aged woman paced back and forth in front of the fountain, looking at the various paths in the park from time to time.

Tang Ming lowered his head and looked at the time. Back then, just one film had become a national hit. Xiang Xiaoying, who won the Golden Rooster Film Award, was truly as her name suggests. Almost everyone in the industry called her "Sister Film" .

In the following ten years, her popularity has not diminished, and she has truly become a household name at home and abroad, an endorsement of traffic and quality.

Recently, she heard that Xiang Xiaoying wanted to shoot a few more God-like movies, so she quit acting. She also felt that she was so busy that she might not be able to spare time to shoot entertainment variety shows.

But as soon as I woke up today, I received a contact message from Sister Fang. If the parent-child variety show she was running could invite Xiang Xiaoying as a guest, Tang Ming would laugh out of his dreams.

When he learned that he was going to meet Xiang Xiaoying's youngest son today, he immediately agreed.

Tang Ming is a person who loves children very much, otherwise he would not have chosen to film this parent-child variety show, but obviously, naughty children are not included here.

After meeting the child of the Gu family two days ago, she was already very worried. Today, Sister Fang reminded her again, saying that the child of Sister Ying's family should be coaxed as much as possible.

Speak softly and your tone should be gentle.

After hearing this, Tang Ming imagined an image of a young master who had been pampered since childhood and had no problems. She immediately came up with several plans on how to discuss editing scenes with Sister Fang.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a tall woman wearing wide sunglasses and a mask walking from a distance, holding a child.

The child looked to be three heads tall, about three years old. He lowered his head and looked at the road seriously. He also held a small umbrella to protect the sun, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

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