78: Hello brother

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The hermit crab was picked up by Shi Cheng.

When I was young, I opened my eyes fearfully, raised my little face and looked over, and saw the second brother holding the hermit crab's conch and spinning it around his fingertips.

The hermit crab has all eight legs waving.

Shi Cheng said, "This is called a hermit crab. It won't bite people, and it won't eat your hands, but it will hurt if its pliers pinch the flesh." He half-crouched down, "Open your hand and show it to my brother. Just a moment."

Frightened, Lili's eyes were red, and she followed her second brother's words and stretched out her short hand.

The cub's hands are not as big as the conch just now. They are small, a little fleshy, and have a little bit of sand left on them, but because they are very white, they are not dirty.

Shi Cheng looked at it carefully.

Xiaoli also lowered his head and looked at his hands seriously, although he didn't know what he was looking at.

After discovering that there were no red marks on the opponent's hands, Shi Cheng was slightly relieved. Just now, the cub must have been grabbing the tip of the conch just like him. His fingers must have been scratched by the moving crab legs, and the pliers were still far away. , not caught.

He stood up and threw the hermit crab into the distant waves without looking back.

Shi Cheng said, "As long as it's not hurt."

Xiao Li looked at his hand in confusion. Shi Cheng's explanation was a bit scientific, "There are a lot of sea creatures hidden on the beach, which are left here when the waves recede. You can pick them up, but if you are afraid, just pick up shells."

Shi Li nodded his head.

when he came to the beach for the first time, listened carefully to his brother's explanation.

Because of this incident, the cub couldn't let go of playing anymore. When he squatted down to pick up something, he had to take a closer look at what it was, pick it up carefully, and put it in the bucket to wash it.

Finally, the bottom of the bucket was covered with a layer of beautiful little shells and conches.

The moment it shook, it made a "ding-ding-ding" sound.

The cub pulled the small bucket, looked down, stretched out his hand and shook it, his penetrating black eyes slightly curved.

It was time to eat. The beach at low tide was muddy and there were not many people. Lili, who was wearing beach clothes, seemed to have gotten used to the dazzling clothes after visiting the resort just now.

Shi Cheng's cell phone vibrated, and he took it out and took a look. It was a message sent to him by the director of the program, informing him that he could come back. Before he could react, the photographers and staff who were following him from a distance stepped in. Mudflat, one foot deep and one foot shallow, walked over and shouted loudly, "Two guests are here, you can go back!"

Shi Cheng made a gesture from a distance, holding a small bucket in one hand and holding a small bucket in the other. Walking back slowly with dripping hands, Lele followed them, struggling to walk on her four short legs, and finally reached the dry white sand beach.

One big, one small and one dog were all sweating a little.

Lele shook the puppy's body and "gurgled" twice.

Shi Cheng glanced back, his eyes were stung, and he said "tsk", "Why did this little bear become so dirty?"

Lele innocently raised the puppy's head, the puppy's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help it. Look at the four puppy legs that are all black, they are still cute.

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