43: Little Doll

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They drove the car for more than half an hour and arrived at the foot of the mountain on the outskirts of the city. Looking in the distance from where the off-road vehicle stopped, one could still see an endless lake.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the sky is blue.

The white railings can be seen far away, and only one vehicle on the road passes by occasionally. Once the summer breeze passes by, it will cause a wave of waves.

On the other side is a gravel road that stretches into the mountain, and occasionally there are stone stairs on steep sections.

Mrs. Gu raised her head and said, "That's it, our destination."

The Gu family father and son looked at it at the same time.

It is a small pavilion located halfway up the mountain. From a distance, you can see several wooden tables and chairs holding sun umbrellas outside.

Xiaoli struggled to raise his head and saw a corner of the small pavilion. Even halfway up the mountain, that distance was still a huge challenge for such a small cub.

He lowered his eyelids and looked at the white puppy squatting at his feet.

There is no puppy as big as Lili.

Can they climb up there?

Xiaoli's hand was suddenly held by someone.

Gu Xiaoze said, "Don't be in a daze, follow us."

He was afraid that his brother would get lost.

Shili nodded his head, "Lili will follow her brother." He thought of something and tightened the dog leash, "Little Bichon can do it too." Mr. Gu opened the trunk of the off-road vehicle, took out a bag and packed it

. The big box he opened was filled with all kinds of food, and he took out a big black backpack.

Mrs. Gu was directing from the side.

Gu Xiaoze was chatting with Lili from behind, "That was the bento made by my aunt at home."

He said, "She only made three portions."

"I'll give you mine."

Shili pursed her lower lip uncomfortably and shook her head, "It's okay for Lili not to eat. Brother will eat." The cub thought for a while and looked at the little bichon, "Brother Xiaoze, you can share it with me. Is the puppy a little bit?"

The little Bichon seemed to understand the word "eat" and circled around Lili. The dog leash was almost tangled together. Xiaoli pulled the puppy behind him in a panic, "It eats" Not many."


The little bichon leaned out from behind the cub Tuanzi and tilted its furry white puppy head, its eyes bright.

The black-haired cub raised its little face and blinked its round black eyes quietly, its eyelashes curled up.

Gu Xiaoze's ears suddenly turned red, "You eat mine, and I can give my father's to your puppy." Mr. Gu, who was busy in front: "?" Mrs. Gu smiled, "I won't make you hungry, Gu Xiaoze Ze, bring your little brother over here to pick out food."

The cub who led the little Bichon Frize over was obviously a little cautious. Xiao Li looked at the large box that had been moved out of the trunk and placed on the ground, and took a bottle of glass from it. Canned milk.

Then I looked carefully and found that there was nothing the puppy could eat, so I chose a bottle of mineral water.

After watching the variety show, Mr. Gu had an impression of the child as quiet and talkative, but he did not expect that the cub would be so well-behaved.

Then she saw her son suddenly squatting on the ground and picking up a pack of cookies. "Would you like this?"

Lili's gaze lingered for a while, and her eyes seemed to light up. They were delicious soda cookies.

He pursed his lips and shook his head.

Gu Xiaoze stuffed it into a big black backpack as if he didn't see it.

"What about this?"



Xiao Li didn't even say a few words.

The big black backpack was almost filled with jelly, chocolate, small cakes, sandwich milk buns, lollipops and drinks.

Mrs. Gu leaned on Mr. Gu and smiled so hard at Lili who was stunned by classmate Gu Xiaoze's operation.

Mr. Gu looked at the full backpack and suddenly felt lucky that he had been exercising all year round and would not be embarrassed in front of his son because he couldn't carry it.

Soon, four people and one dog started to set off.

Mr. Gu walked at the end with his bag on his back, and Mrs. Gu accompanied him. She always wore high heels, but she changed into a pair of flat shoes before getting off the car.

Gu Xiaoze pulled Lili, who was nibbling soda crackers, in front.

The one walking at the front was actually the little Bichon Frize wearing a blue vest.

Lili finished a piece of biscuit and left one for her brother. After finishing the biscuit, she started drinking milk again.

Holding the glass jar with some difficulty, biting the straw and drinking slowly.

The little Bichon Frize would stop while running, come back to Lili, stick out his tongue, and actively pull at the cub's small backpack.

Inside was a pack of tissues and a small bottle of mineral water that had just been put in.

Shili somehow understood what the little Bichon wanted to express. He squatted down, took out the bottle of mineral water from his small backpack, poured a little water on the bottle cap, and let the puppy lick it and drink it.

Once is not enough, you have to pour it several times.

The busy cub would even say with some embarrassment, "Wait a minute for Lili and the puppy, they will be fine soon." Perhaps

because of the snacks that were constantly being replenished along the way, the cub who had been walking for a long time was surprisingly not so restless. Tired, the last part of the journey was the little Bichon with his head on Lili's short legs, and Gu Xiaoze pulling him in front, and finally reached the destination.

Because there is shade from the trees and it's not yet noon yet, the pavilion halfway up the mountain is shady and cool, with fallen leaves floating on the ground. When you step onto the black-painted wooden platform extending outside, you can overlook the distant scenery at a glance.

The blue sky, which is lighter than the color of the lake and sea, meets each other far away on the horizon, drawing a somewhat obvious but not so obvious dividing line.

The fresh air, the chirping of insects and birds, and the rustling of leaves when the wind blows.

Such a small group of cubs stood on the wooden platform. From the bottom of the mountain, only a small fuzzy black spot could be seen.

The little Bichon Frize lay at his feet.

Shi Li couldn't bear to blink while holding his breath, and his voice was very soft, "Brother, it's so beautiful outside."

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