06: Wash with fragrance

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Xiaoli drank up the bottle in a short time.

At the same time, Shi Cheng poured himself two large glasses of milk and then poured himself a glass of water to taste it.

When the whole family heard Aunt Liu come over and call them to eat, they couldn't hold on anymore and looked at the steamed pork ribs on the dining table with helplessness.

Lili only ate two pieces, and her belly was so bulging that Shicheng didn't eat much. In the end, Xiang Xiaoying ate them all.

When Aunt Liu was clearing away the dishes, Shi Cheng said casually, "Mom, I'm going to go home for vacation in two days. Don't throw away the food I brought home."

Xiang Xiaoying said subconsciously, "Why are you on holiday again?"

Shi Cheng glanced at Lili who was wiping his mouth with a paper handkerchief, and said, "I didn't wipe it clean."

Then he continued, "I'm going on summer vacation after my final exam."

Xiang Xiaoying, "So fast."

Shi Cheng said, "...Mom, I told you once last week."

Xiang Xiaoying was busy filming this week, and at the same time she was worried about Lili in kindergarten. What happened last week was not that important and had long been forgotten. She was about to speak out.

He was interrupted by Shi Cheng, "Forget it, it happens every time."

Lili, sandwiched between the two of them, was sitting on a child's seat. He had just eaten very slowly, and the meal bag around his neck was very clean, with no rice or soup left behind.

When he heard Shi Cheng's words, he was still stunned, wondering if he was talking about himself.

Seeing that her brother and mother seemed to be quarreling again, Lili quickly stretched out her little hand, waved it with a paper handkerchief, "Brother, help Lili wipe her mouth."

Shi Cheng, who was a little angry, stopped talking. He frowned and looked at Lili on the child seat. He buried his face in the rice bowl with a paper handkerchief and wiped away the soup on his mouth.

The young man muttered, "It's so dirty." When he met the round and round black eyes, he relaxed his movements again.

The cub said in a soft voice, "Thank you, brother."

Shi Cheng raised his eyebrows and threw away the paper handkerchief.

Xiang Xiaoying took this scene in her eyes and thought thoughtfully. During the holidays in kindergarten, she usually asked an aunt to take care of Lili. Even so, she would often come back from the crew to take a look at Lili's condition.

It's one thing to be worried about outsiders, but it's another thing to be worried about Lili's illness.

But Dr. Chen said that Lili's condition was slowly improving. If Shicheng could help take care of his younger brother during the holidays, the relationship between the two children would not be so strange.

There is also the matter of Lili going to kindergarten.

Xiang Xiaoying was a little anxious.

After dinner, Lili was taken to take a shower. The clothes Xiang Xiaoying prepared for him included a lot of animal suit pajamas. Today, Lili was dressed up as a brown bear with a round shorts on the back of her butt. The short fur ball will tremble when walking.

As a child, Li was taken by her mother's hand to her children's room. As soon as she was put on her little bed, she was stunned.

Next to his little pillow was a cotton doll.

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