53: Soft

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Mrs. Gu was dressed particularly young, with a high ponytail, a baseball cap, black wide-leg pants, and a white jacket.

She squatted on the ground and adjusted the angle again and again.

Mrs. Gu is only in her early thirties now.

"Click -" After a few sounds, he only took a few photos, stood up, returned the camera, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Tang Ming behind him, "Have a look?"

Although the curator's main business is not photography, but the effect of an exhibition must not only be stunning to the naked eye, but the composition of the promotional film is also very important.

Especially the most important sense of atmosphere in an art exhibition.

Of course, she has also spent a lot of hard work on this. Who doesn't start from the grassroots level from the beginning.

When Tang Ming saw the finished film exported from the computer, he immediately changed his tone and called "Sister Gu" affectionately, "Can you help us take a look at our other shots?"

On the photo-taking stage, Mr. Gu pulled the stunned Gu Xiaoze away, "Come on, look at the photos your mother took."

Gu Xiaoze was brought to Mrs. Gu.

"Mummy?" Gu Xiaoze shouted before he could react, his expression still vaguely agitated.

Mrs. Gu took off the felt hat Gu Xiaoze was wearing, and just as she was about to rub it, her eyes were stung, "Look at what your father made for you."

Netizens named her son "fried hair"

Mrs. Gu didn't take the nickname "Zai" seriously at first, but now she couldn't help but laugh when she saw her handsome son with messy black hair.

Gu Xiaoze was not in the mood to think about anything else for a moment, "Mom, Don't laugh! (Mom, don't laugh.)"

Mrs. Gu took out a bottle of water from her bag, put a little on her hand, and asked, "Do you have a comb? "

"Yes, yes, yes." The staff on the side came up and handed a handful.

Mrs. Gu knelt down, combed Gu Xiaoze's hair with wet hands, and then combed it slowly with a comb.

Mr. Gu said behind them, "Your mother took over a nearby exhibition, so she was not at home for the past two days, and she asked me to accompany you on the variety show."

He smiled, "The exhibition happened to be over today, so she rushed over to find us. "

Mrs. Gu, "Why are you telling children this?"

Mr. Gu shrugged, "Then ask Xiaoze if he wants to hear it?"

Both pairs of eyes looked at Gu Xiaoze. He was silent for a moment, his voice was a little low, hesitantly. Said, "It's not like we can't talk about it."

Mrs. Gu laughed.

The rest of the Zaizai who had finished taking photos were taken out and the shooting continued. A video was also recorded of each Zaizai who had changed into their national costumes and walked out of the door.

Gu Xiaoze, who also followed out, looked back at his mother who was sitting in front of the computer, being pestered by Director Tang to watch the finished film.

Mrs. Gu waved her hand to him, a sign of walking quickly.

Mr. Gu whispered, "Your mother can't record with you this time, but she will keep watching you by the camera."

After a while, Gu Xiaoze nodded and followed his father out of the small courtyard. There were several tripods set up outside, the cameras are no less than inside.

But he seemed not as scared as before.

"Brother Xiaoze?" Lili in front turned around and waved, "Brother, do you want to take a photo with us?"

Gu Xiaoze nodded without hesitation and pulled his father forward, "Daddy, hurry up. (Dad, you Hurry up)"

The five zaizai gathered in front of the camera and took a photo together. Gu Xiaoze curled his lips a little unfamiliarly and curled his black eyes shyly. The other zaizai also raised their big smiles.

The northwest wind carried the wind and sand, and behind them were tall turrets, and the sun was just right.

After seeing the photo of the five people together, Tang Ming immediately decided to use this photo as the cover of this issue. Mrs. Gu and she moved a small mazaar and sat among the staff. They looked at each other with some curiosity and picked up the big speaker and said , "Our task today is to receive the tourists who come here just like the sisters who performed for us in the morning."

"Let more people wear local folk costumes."

Tang Ming paused, glanced at the card in his hand, and read, "The program team only provides lunch. As for tonight's dinner, who is hosting it?" With more tourists, whoever has the chance to have a big meal will have a chance to have a big meal!"

"Of course, parents still can't help."

Xiaoyu's father Lin Yu said with a smile: "It seems that I was the one who had a big meal last time, and it won't be me this time. "Yeah."

Mu Tan, Xiaowen's parent, said, "Maybe, if I eat it, I really can't cook."

Guo Man also said, "I did learn a little bit at home after recording the show last time. If that doesn't work, can I cook tonight?"

She is Xiaoyu's parent.

Shi Fuchuan said warmly, "I can cook."

Mr. Gu also said, "I know a little bit."

The other three parents instantly showed a look of help.

Tang Ming asked, "Aren't you looking forward to the big dinner tonight?" She waved and asked the staff to take out a tablet. The picture on it was a large skewer of sizzling barbecue.

Xiaoyu's eyes were instantly attracted.

Tang Ming continued to slide down, revealing a whole row of shiny lamb chops.

Lili said "Wow" and then asked a question, "Dad, it seems that it will take a lot of people to finish eating this." Shi Fuchuan said, "Yes, if Lili can eat a big meal, she can also share it with other brothers. Sister."

Lili said "Yeah!"

Brother Ozawa was still hungry this morning so she was willing to share the buns with him, and Lili was also willing to share her own food with Brother Ozawa.

The Chinese duo also said, "Yes! Everyone should share the delicious food together."

Xiaoyu nodded immediately.

Tang Ming, who didn't arouse everyone's competitiveness at all: "..."

She held a loudspeaker, "Forget it, let's start."

"Today is an individual competition, so there is no need to form a team."

Gu Xiaoze turned a deaf ear and moved from the fifth position to the first position, "Would you like to come with me?"

Several parents were taken to the shade to rest by the staff. When Mr. Gu saw this scene, he laughed and said, "Xiaoze I like playing with Lili very much."

Shi Fuchuan was holding the thermos cup he brought out and took a sip, "Lili didn't have many friends before, which was good."

Mr. Gu knew the situation of the Shi family and sighed slightly, "That's right, that's good." "

The parents' task is to set up tents and provide cooking utensils for barbecue tonight. Let's start the task after everyone has divided the work." Tang Ming said.

Parents and cubs are all busy.

The trio finally came together and ran to ask Gu Xiaoze, who was holding his younger brother Xiaoduan's hand, "Should we form a team together?"

Lili was a little confused, "Brother Xiaoze said that the tourists he and I entertain together can If we split it equally, we will form a team."

The Chinese duo said in unison, "Then why can't we share it equally? That way no one of us will have more and no one will have less."

Xiao Yu said, "We can all have a big meal!"

Lili was stunned, "Auntie and sister, will you be unhappy?"

The Zaizai were stunned, "But we have completed the task, shouldn't we?"

It seemed very reasonable.

Lili nodded and shook her head, "Wait a minute, I want to ask brother Xiaoze for his opinion."

Gu Xiaoze was stunned, pursed his lips, "I listen to you."

Lili said "ah" and stumbled. "Okay, then."

Brother Ozawa is more clingy than Lele.

I think about it all the time.

Soon, the five cubs divided their tasks. The Chinese language duo stood at the gate of the city to greet the tourists and introduced to the uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters who came to visit the ancient city that they had an event where they could wear these national costumes for free.

Xiaoyu is responsible for guiding tourists to Xiaoyu Xiaowen's location from a distance.

Gu Xiaoze and Lili wanted to guide the tourists who agreed to change clothes to the location of the small courtyard.

The cub Tuanzi's felt hat was patted again and again by his sisters, and the square hat was almost flattened. Last time, classmate Gu Xiaoze, who was the receptionist at the entrance of the restaurant, didn't notice that the cub inside was also like this. Being pinched on the face and patted on the hat was so extreme that Lili might even have to call "Aunt Susu, brother and sister" all the time.

Visitors feel comfortable both physically and mentally.

Only Gu Xiaoze had a bad face all the way, but he had to endure the depressed mood so that his brother could have a big meal at night.

The exposed little hands and face of the cub in an ultramarine blue robe were soft and waxy. Because he kept being asked if he could have his face pinched, Lili's snowy cheeks were pinched until they turned pink, and he held up a piece of paper.

The staff's little card said seriously, "There are changing cubicles in the small courtyard, so tourists don't have to worry."

Like a little host.

"Put on the unique local ethnic costumes, and after reading the explanation of folk culture, you can participate in the bonfire dinner in the ancient town, but you need to cooperate with the recording of our program."

"If you mind participating in the filming -"

"No, no, no!"

A tourist sister listened to her companion muttering, "It feels so good in the hand. It's soft and squishy, ​​and it can sink in. It's fun to watch other people's babies." She squatted down and poked with her fingertips. He poked Lili's face and asked, "What's your name?"

"What show are you filming?"

"I'll follow you when my sister comes back. Can I be your fan?"

"My name is Lili." Xiaoli was a little flustered, but still tried his best to put on a small face, "Thank you sister for the blessing, but can sister wait until Lili finished speaking before pinching Wo's face?"

Gu Xiaoze said immediately, "Yes, don't hinder our work."

Li Li was stunned, then tugged on his brother's clothes and whispered, "Brother, we can't be so cruel."

"But they have pinched you so many times."

Gu Xiaoze gritted his teeth.

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