77: Catch Haihai

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"The rest of the guests haven't arrived yet. Do you think you should go to the hotel to store your luggage first, or go directly to the shooting spot on the beach?"

The staff immediately got out of the car and pointed the way, "From this way Just go down the steps."

Shi Cheng raised his sunglasses, took a look, and asked, "Can I change clothes down there?"

The staff nodded, "There is a changing room and a place that sells swimming rings."

Shi Cheng was eager to try, " Let's go down first."

The staff was about to help them get their luggage, but Shi Cheng stopped him and said, "I'll do it." He took down the luggage from the trunk, and was handed another box by the program crew.

"This is a positioning electronic watch from our program sponsor. The new generation is waterproof to prevent children from getting lost." The staff knew that Shi Cheng was recording a program for the first time and explained in detail.

Shi Cheng put down his luggage and asked, "Bring it to him?"

The cub raised his head blankly.

Shi Cheng squatted down and said, "Raise your hands."

Shi Li raised his two short hands and watched his second brother put the bracelet on him seriously.

Just like at the airport, Shi Cheng walked up to Lili again and led the little Bichon in front of him. He made sure that the cub was always within his sight. He was about to lift the two suitcases when he was stopped by the staff.

"This little classmate, you have to wear it too~" the staff pointed to another watch in the box, "Sister Ying, your mother said you are not yet an adult, right?"

Shi Cheng was stunned for a moment. , finally put on the bracelet with a dark face, and became the first temporary guardian of all parents to wear a children's watch since the show started.

As a male high school student, Shi Cheng had plenty of strength, so he carried two suitcases and walked down the steps. The program crew led him to the beach cabin they borrowed, with a whole bathhouse attached behind it.

The wooden house is very spacious, and there is a private room for each person. There are local special fruits on the table in the middle of the living room. As soon as the door is opened, the air-conditioning hits the face. Shicheng, who is too hot, pours a glass of water and drinks it. .

They were the first group to arrive, and the staff asked them to wait. They could go play nearby, but they had to make sure the communication was normal and the show could start filming at any time.

Shi Cheng responded.

Lili also waved and said, "Goodbye, sister."

As soon as the people left, there were only two people and a dog left in the living room. Lili knelt down and took off Lele's little vest that would make it hot. When she raised her head, she saw her second brother wandering around the room. He bent in front of the camera and tapped the lens with his finger.

He looked interested in everything.

After finishing his walk, Shi Cheng carried his suitcase into room one. "Second brother, go in and change clothes." Before entering, he poked his head again, "Don't run around."

Lili nodded.

Of course he had to wear beach clothes when going to the beach. He specially bought it two days ago and had it delivered in the same city. It was delivered to his door the next day. Shi Cheng opened his suitcase. The next moment, he couldn't help but pause.

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