𝓖𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮: 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9

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"Beatae Mariae. Semper virgini."

Noble Bell College

With Group Star...

"'Fieldwork' is just a fancy term for unstructured wandering time. Absolutely terrible for loners," Idia muttered with a deadpanned expression. "Still, it's better than when teachers go, 'Okay, time to make your own groups!' ...but not by much," he continued mumbling to himself before turning over to his group. "Anyway, the Team Star members are..."

"Oui!" Rook exclaimed, scaring the shit out of Idia.

"EEP!" Idia shrieked.

"Greetings, Roi de sa Chambre!" Rook happily greeted. "Team Star consists of yourself, Silver, Ruggie, and moi," he informed.

"Augh, such a bright smile...That sheer extrovert aura is no joke," Idia sweat dropped in panic. "If only Azul were here to balance it out with some shadiness..."

"Oh, you think it's too bright out?" Silver innocently asked, stepping over to Idia and Rook. "I guess the brim of your hat isn't all that wide,"

"That won't do at all," Rook yelped out, widening his eyes in worry. "Would you like to borrow my hat?" he asked.

"Wow, Rook. You're as oblivious as Kalim and Y/n," Ruggie sighed with a deadpanned expression as he walked over to his group as well. "Reminds me of our good ol' Facepalm Brigade...."

"Oh, hey...Ruggie's got some shade going on underneath his athletic exterior..." Idia muttered quietly to himself. "But is it just me, or are we all talking on different wavelengths? What are we, an adventuring party from an isekai transmigration light novel?" he asked with a nervous sweat drop.

"I can't make heads or tails of what you say either, y'know. I've got a feelin' this group's a trainwreck in progress," Ruggie nervously sweat dropped as well.

"Well, what would everyone like to see in the city?" Rook then asked.

"I wanna check out some local handicrafts and specialty goods!" Ruggie grinned excitedly. "After all, we're having a feast (read: free meal) tonight,"

"Are you looking for souvenirs?" Silver asked. "I was hoping to buy one for Lilia, myself,"

"Hm, perusing popular products could provide an insight into Fleur City itself. I like the idea," Rook says.

"Yeah, uh...I'd like to pick up something for Ortho while we're exploring too..." Idia slightly smiled before it turned into a toothy grin. "I wanna get the main quest outta the way fast. That way our job here will basically be done,"

"Uh, our 'job' is attending the social," Ruggie sweat dropped.

"The social's already begun for me..." Idia says. "Sounds like we've got a consensus, so let's get questing. Time to hit the road!" he exclaimed with full determination in his eyes.

Fleur City

Upon arriving in the Southern area of Fluer City, Rook looked at the scenery in awe. "Oh, how stunning..." he beamed. "You can just FEEL the history emanating from the city streets. Not to mention there are flowers growing everywhere - how fragrant Fleur City is!"

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