𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒

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The Permafrostine Empire

A wealthy and beautiful country with 7 unique regions, lush in a wonderland of winter. Land of the famous Snow Queen.

The coldest country in all of Twisted Wonderland, yet, the people have no problem with the cold, as it never bothered them anyway.


A small island surrounded by glaciers, east of the Empire of Permafrostine. Home to the number 1 prestigious magical university, Northern Lights University, an eight-year academy. It is known to be home to the great magical artifact in the form of a great lake called the Sacred Glacier that is at the center of the courtyard that connects Northern Lights University to another prestigious school above Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy called Northern Lights Academia, a seven year academy that merges both middle school and high school.

To attend Northern Lights University, one must pass two entrance exams. Since both institutions accept students who have magic or not, there are different exams. The entrance exam for those who aren't as gifted with magic or have none at all, they take an exam that tests their knowledge about magic related subjects such as Alchemy, magical beasts, spirits, etc. The entrance exam for those with exceptional magical abilities will take a physical exam that examines their magical prowess through a duel with one of the Masters of the Four Magic Towers. The student has the option of going either offense or defense while the Master will be the other. The exam is 30 seconds long as it gives the evaluator time to observe the student's prowess and capabilities.

Students who pass will get to the 2nd entrance exam, which is written and physical. Not only is it like your general exam, it also your knowledge of basic imperial etiquette.

However, for the Northern Lights Academia, the students are chosen via the sacred glacier.

Thought, the university is an 8 year academy, it would be 9 if a senior student from another school where seniors do off-campus study, such as Night Raven College, decides to shadow a student from the university.

During orientation is both schools, students are sorted by pouring your magic into the Sacred Glacier which sorts them into five divisions based on the nature of their soul's magical affinity. Air (Ventus), Fire (Ignis), Earth (Terra), Water (Aqua), and Spirit (Pruina).

To travel to the island, citizens of the Land of Permafrostine ride a carriage carried by the Nokk instead of normal horses. The Nokk had evolved over time so they have the ability to solidify themselves into ice to travel on land and thaw when their traveling over water.

For the dormitories, there are a total of five dormitories. Each dormitory has it's own mirror realm like NRC with their own atmosphere. For example, the water dormitory is actually underwater and their are currents were students can use to travel (Similiar to the Fontaine Serenitea pot in Genshin Impact). However, their design is similiar. All have a frozen mirror as a door and they have five main buildings inside keep the boys and girls, university students and academia students seperate. (Don't need to explain)

Just like how students are picked up by the Black carriage to NRC, students are picked up by a Frozen carriage carried by spirit reindeers that traveled through the sky like a Pegasus, underwater and overwater like the Nokk, and on land like your normal reindeer.

~Known Locations~

- Ahtohallan city (capital)
(Where Northern Lights University and Northern Lights Academia reside in)

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