𝓖𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮: 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 28

328 17 2

"Kyrie eleison....God have mercy on her..."

Noble Bell College - Bell Tower Interior

Once the Aide and the Vice President were out of reach, Rollo turned to the others with a perked eyebrow.

"What is this?" Rollo questioned confusingly, a frown on his face. "Have you taken pity on me? Am I so weak and pathetic to you? SPARE ME YOUR PITY." he exclaimed.

"Ugh... Some people just take their own ideas and run with 'em." Idia groaned in annoyance.

"What do you mean?" Rollo asked.

"I thought you would've realized by now that Malleus isn't some sap." Azul stated.

"Explain yourself." Rollo told Malleus.

Malleus tighten his hold on the sleeping Y/n, making sure she doesn't wake up from all the noise, wanting her to have a peaceful slumber. "I've come up with a fitting punishment for you." he revealed. "Will you confess to your misdeeds or continue to feign innocence? The final decision is yours to make." he cruelly answered.

"Heh... Hahaha! What a feeble punishment!" Rollo chuckled, smirking devilishly. "All I have to do is keep quiet, and I get off scot-free!"

"That's acceptable to me." Malleus shrugged. "You'll be able to deceive others, of course, and even yourself. But you'll never deceive the Bell of Solace that's watched over you all this time." he says, causing Rollo sweat dropped.

"The Bell of Solace...?" Rollo flinched in surprise, staring at Malleus with widen eyes.

"Indeed." Malleus nodded. "You hold it in high esteem, do you not? And yet you sought to misuse it for your own ends. How you live with your deeds is up to you." he replied, glaring at Rollo.

"......" Rollo went silent, completely in disbelief.

"You can come clean or hold your tongue. Either way, you'll regret it." Malleus stated. "No matter which choice you make, you will spend the rest of your days racked with the fires of remorse. There's no greater punishment I could inflict upon you, Flamme. Wouldn't you agree?" he smirked.

"...Touché." Rollo scoffed. "You villains are quite well-versed in tormenting others. Hmhm... Mmhmhm... Hahaha..." he chuckled with a sweat drop.

"I trust the rest of you are fine with this?" Malleus asked the others.

"Malleus... You've turned this into a matter of conscience for Rollo." Silver says. "What a brilliant decision. I agree it's for the best."

"If such is your wish, Malleus, no one would dare object!" Sebek proudly says. "Oh, how truly lucky I am to serve such an incredible liege!"

"So theatrical..." Azul sighed. "Speaking of, aren't you forgetting something important?" he questioned, gathering the attention of the rest.

"What's that?" Rollo perked an eyebrow.

"THE BALL." Azul exclaimed. "You know, the main event of the social? The ball's to be held on the second night. Which, if I might remind you, is tonight." he reminded as Idia shook his head in disbelief. "It's been bad enough dealing with those firelotuses. If word got out that the Noble Bell student council president was behind them, the ball would be called off in a heartbeat. If you're going to confess, I ask that you save it for AFTER we've left." he demanded.

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