𝓖𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮: 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 30

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"Kyrie eleison...But she will be mine or...she will burn!"

Noble Bell College - Lecture Hall

Upon listening to the song, Rollo was in absolute shock. "Why... This is one of Fleur City's traditional songs! It's been passed down since olden times." he exclaimed, looking down at Y/n as she danced and sang, exactly how she did in his dreams. "It was supposedly sung by the Kindly Bell Ringer to express his hopes for a brighter tomorrow... But how did they even come to sing it...?" he questioned.

"Curious, are you?" Trein says, approaching a flabbergasted Rollo.

"...Professor Trein." Rollo stiffened at he sight of the Professor, sweat dropping nervously.

"It's fine, you can relax." Trein assured. "The song was Draconia's idea. He proposed that the group arrange a gift for you all with her majesty coming up with this orchestral arrangement."

"Y/n and... Malleus orchestrated this...?" Rollo asked, widen his eyes in surprise.

"Yes. He was quite pleased to have been invited to the social. This was a token of his appreciation." Trein informed. "He wanted to make this experience unforgettable for his forgetful fiancée." he chuckled.

"A token of appreciation...?" Rollo mumbled in thought. "Is THAT why he insisted on having the ball, despite everything?"

"*singing*" Malleus sang

Rollo huffed in disbelief as his eyes were mostly on his beloved Y/n. "...Hmph. Ridiculous.

"*singing*" Idia sang, hiding his embarrassment and panic quite well.

"*singing*" Azul happily sang"

"*singing*" Y/n sang, greatly resembling a doll.

"*singing* *singing*" Malleus sang.

Malleus and Y/n:
Ashita e~!
(Into the Dawn)

Rollo's breath hitched upon listening to the final verse of the song. "......" he looked up at the musical instruments that were made of pure ice, his eyes glimmering from the way they glowed from Y/n magic. Seeing the beauty made him reminiscent.

"Wanna know why I love magic so much?"
A male voice questioned.
"'Cuz you have so much fun when I use it!
I want us to have lots of fun together, always!
Promise me we will, Rollo!"

"............" Rollo let out a peaceful sigh, his eyes softening. 'So this is what he met... Just seeing her magic at play like this...' he softly smiled before blushing in embarrassment when Y/n looked up at his direction. " Utterly...ridiculous... Utterly..." he cleared his throat upon the crowd cheering and clapping upon the music ending, many in awe when the ice instruments disappeared, leaving behind an aurora. "...... Yes, that was a fine gift indeed... Let's have a big round of applause for the promising young mages from Night Raven College."

More roars and cheers echoed as everyone then began dancing with one another.

"Their applause is positively thunderous." Malleus smiled. "I can tell everyone enjoyed our song immensely. What a fulfilling feeling."

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