Chapter 2: What the- Where am I?

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3 Days Later~

Law's POV

I wake up in a hospital bed, but there's something different about where I am. "DOCTOR! HE'S FINALLY AWAKE! Call his family!" A nurse yells

Family? I don't have any family anymore. My only family is... panic envelopes me, my crew! I still need to get back to my crew! I move up to start to get out of bed when the nurses and doctors push me back to bed "Sir you shouldn't strain yourself. You are still heavily injured, but we are glad that you have finally woken up." I relax a little bit. I know how bothersome it is when a patient doesn't want to listen. It makes me think back to when I had to treat Strawhat-ya. He was a huge pain in the ass running around in the jungle of Amazon Lilly right after getting treated, too. I breathe in sharply and just lay back down on the bed. "I sure hope at least Bepo is alright." i mumble to myself.

The workers try and feed me bread and salted plums... I push these two aside instead, eating the jello and eggs and drinking the black coffee that the hospital served. I know I need to get my energy back, but I am not going to eat that crap.

The door creeked open, and I saw a woman walking in, I assumed it was a nurse and just ignored her. She pokes my arm, and I visibly get annoyed but still try to ignore her, and then she pokes my cheek. That was the last straw. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!" She flinches."Hi, um.. I'm the one who brought you here." She moves closer to whisper."You showed up in my yard with your talking bear. Do you remember that?" My eyes lit up."I-I do remember that, hey um," I got cut off. "y/n, it's y/n." I cleared my throat, "So y/n-ya, do you know WHERE my crewmate is?" She giggled, giggled? What was so funny about this situation?

No Ones POV

The woman stood near the bedside and talked to Law. "So yeah, you somehow ended up here in this world for some unknown reason I or Bepo don't know about." She left out the fact that in her world Law and Bepo are just Characters in a story called 'One Piece' because she knew that if she told him right this minute at the hospital while he man was still recovering, she had a feeling he would not believe her and run off to who knows where. This world is extremely different to theirs, so she put it upon herself to help Bepo and Law slowly adjust till they find a way to go back.

The man sat in deep thought and looked at the female beside him, "Okay, that makes sense enough. But why are you helping me? I'm just a stranger?"


"Okay, that makes sense enough. But why are you helping me? I'm just a stranger?" He said to me, looking so deep in thought. Well, technically, he isn't just some 'stranger' he's Trafalgar D. Water Law, the man that you simped over in the anime and manga that you've been reading for quite some time. But then you thought hard to when you actually first saw him in your back yard, he really was just some stranger. You legitimately didn't know who he was till you connected the dots while talking to Bepo. "Hmn, well, the thing is I believe that it was the right thing to do. Especially when I saw you so injured and seeing your friend wanting you to live. It made me well... want you to live too."

Trafalgar's eyes grew wide, as if he remembered someone. "You know, I'm not that big of a fan of going to hospitals. It wasn't always easy to treat me, you know." I looked down, remembering Law's backstory with Corazon when he was a kid and knowing how he had a really rare sickness that was said to be incurable.

"Well, at least you're looking a little better now. Awake, at the least." I say, trying to lift up the mood. "Yeah, but I still need to find a way to get back to my crew, at least... damn, right... the Polar Tang.." I look in confusion thinking 'damn I still haven't gotten to that part in the manga. Please don't spoil, please don't spoil, please don't spoil...' I shake my head slightly so as not to make Law think I'm absolutely off my rocker. "Uh, right, I didn't catch your name, right? He he heh" trying to act as casual as possible to make it seem like I am actually just learning his name. "Trafalgar Law," he states in a slight sly smile. "Nice to make your acquaintance Mr. Trafalgar, so because of your current predicament. I propose you stay at my place for a while till you and Bepo figure out a way for you two to go back to where you both came from originally." I ready myself for a long speech about how I NEED to help him in this world and how people in this world might not want to hang out with a large talking polar bear in their house. But without a moments hesitation, he says,"Okay." A look of shock plastered my face that was so quick! "Well, we are engaged, aren't we y/n-ya?" I look at him confused till I remember what I told the nurse when I first dropped him off to the hospital."YOU WERE CONSCIOUS?!? I THOUGHT YOU PASSED OUT FROM ALL THE BLOOD LOSS AND INJURIES!" He pulled my arm to sush me. "Come on, those injuries can't keep me from not hearing what people say around me." A smug smile plastered on his anoying, handsome face

No y/n, you are not gonna be that type of girl who falls for the handsome guy immediately! You gotta keep cool, or he might kill you if you don't smoothly go through yours and Bepo's plan to sooth Law into the fact that 'One Piece' is a book that he is just a character in.

~Flashback 2 days Before Y/n Went to the Hospital~

No One's POV

"Bepo, wh-what do we do? If Law sees everything in my house and sees all the 'One Piece' merchandise, he'll question ME!" She cries to Bepo.

"W-well y/n why don't we just... hide everything? You know, just until we can clearly and CALMLY explain the whole situation to the captain." Y/n nods vigorously

"I like your idea, but then... what do I tell law when I have to go see him in the hospital? Bepo, he's gonna figure out that this isn't the same world you both came from!" Y/n says as she stammers to look for large boxes to put all of her merchandise.

"Well, you can at least explain that because well we did kind of pop out of nowhere for you. So just say I was the one that noticed this world was different from ours." Bepo says as he is also following y/n trying to figure out how to help her

"You think your captain's gonna believe me, Bepo?" She stops to look down away from Bepo. Not knowing what to do to help them, she felt useless, a liar.

Bepo holds y/n's sholders and turns her around, "Miss y/n, you've helped me get the captain the help he needed to recover. You even let me stay here with you while he's at the hospital, I'm sure that we can trust you with the amount of help you've given us." On the verge of tears, she says," You mean it?" Bepo nods

Y/n wipes her tears away and pulls Bepo screaming in determination, "OKAY! Lets put every 'One Piece' item in boxes and put them in my storage space in the attic! LET'S GO BEPO!!!" She smiles from ear to ear as bepo nods in determination as well. "YES, MA'AM!"

~End of Flashback~

Y/n's POV

I stare at law in disbelief as he has the gall to tease me like that! I pout in the corner as law eats his food or at least the ones he can stomach.

"Oh yeah, the nurses told me you can be discharged soon, especially if you don't have any more pain." I tell him
"Yeah, no more pain. I just want to figure out a way to go back and get revenge on Black Beard, especially for messing with MY crew." He looked pissed, that much I can tell.

I poke his arm. "Look, before we even think about a way for you to go back, you need to not be a pain in my ass in this world. So you have to carry your own." He looks at me and rolls his eyes! "Tsk, come on, it's not like I'm going to stay here for a long time for your information. I just need a place to do research and figure out a way back." Y/n looks at Law and sighs. "Just please don't do anything reckless on your own, I am just trying to help you and Bepo out." Law nods in agreement.

~Time Skip Law Gets Discharge~

The two head over to Y/n's car and sit in comfortable silence on the drive to a large house, "Okay, here's the house key just in case. There's 4 rooms one is my office and the 3 are bedrooms, the bedrooms are all within the same hallway so you won't get lost There's 2 bathrooms so I HOPE we don't get any surprises Mr. Trafalgar." She explains the living arrangements with Law trying to act as stirn as possible."Look y/n-ya, I should be the one telling you not to be a pervert here. You've already claimed to be my fiancé after all." She turns to Law in the most shocked, flustered face."IT WAS TO HELP YOU!!! CAN YOU DROP IT?!"

Chapter 2 End To Be Continued...

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now