Chapter 26: But... Why?

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Y/n's POV

"H-He stayed... for me?"

Past conversation rang in my head...

"Y/n-ya, I just don't understand why we can't even try? I'm here! I'm RIGHT here! I'm not in a book anymore, nor am I just an anime character now! I'm alive just like you, and I can understand that you have a fear of falling in love with a mere image of me, but we can understand each other more by you coming with me."

I should have known... even back then.


Cared for me.

Tears weld in my eyes. Would it be okay to be selfish? To believe him? And want him with me till the end?

I slowly walked to where I saw Law going, wanting to ask him, to understand him. Why stay here? Why not go back to your crew? Why choose me?

I felt Bepo's paw on my shoulder

"Miss Y/n. I think you both need rest before you two talk."

Bepo had a melancholic expression as if he didn't know Law knew a way back home.

As if he was left in the dark.

I nodded my head as I slowly trudged my way to my own room and gently closed the door a sliver of the door open I don't forget to say a small "Goodnight" to Bepo before completely shutting the door.

In my room, I thought of all the time I spent with Law. All the time, I was so drawn to him. His laugh, his sly smile, the way he showed his protectiveness. He wasn't just someone I watched in an anime anymore, or even just read about in a manga. He was... he was actually here.

But I now knew more than anything. His time is limited. He would eventually leave me.

Wouldn't he?

I paced my room, unable to sleep with thoughts of possibilities and doubts about my future with Law and Bepo.

Of course, I wanted them to stay here with me. They're my family more than my actual family had ever been. I feared the inevitability that they would abandon me.

As I pondered this, I lay in bed. Looking at the ceiling. "I really do... love him."

A tear slips from my eye as Immediately wipe it. I get underneath the covers and finally drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up with a heavy heart. The conversation with Law from the previous day echoed in my mind, his words resonating deep within me. I knew it was time to have a talk with him, to understand why he had chosen to stay with me when he could have gone back to his crew.

I made my way to the common area of the house, where I found Law sitting alone, deep in thought. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, and I took a deep breath, gathering my courage.

"Law," I began, my voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "I need to know... why? Why did you choose to stay with me? You had the option to go back to your crew, to your life as a pirate. Why did you choose me?"

Law looked up, his gaze meeting mine. There was a flicker of sadness in his eyes, but also a sense of unwavering determination.

"Y/n, I stayed because being with you felt right. From the moment I met you, I knew from your underlying principle of wanting to do the right thing even though we were complete strangers. you saved not only me but Bepo. From then on I felt a connection, a bond that I couldn't ignore. You brought something into my life that I didn't know I was missing till I came beaten at your doorstep. It wasn't an easy decision, but I couldn't walk away from the chance to explore what we could have together."

His words washed over me, filling me with a mix of emotions as my heart beat at a fast pace in my chest. I could feel the sincerity in his voice, but doubts still lingered in my mind.

"But Law," I said, my voice trembling slightly. "What about your crew? Your responsibilities as a pirate? I don't want to hold you back from the life you deserve. The life you grew to care for."

Law reached out, gently putting his hand on my shoulder. His touch sent a jolt of warmth through me, grounding me in the present moment.

"Y/n, being a pirate is a part of me, it always will be," he explained. "But what I've found with you is something different. It's a chance at truly being free, at building a life together. And I've chosen you, not just for now, but for the future. I want to navigate this journey with you, to face whatever challenges come our way, together. Even if you don't choose to go with me. We will find a way."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to his heartfelt words. It was a lot to take in, but deep down, I knew that I felt the same way. I couldn't deny the love that had blossomed between us.

"Law," I whispered, my voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope. "I love you. I want to be with you, I know in my heart I want to explore this connection we have. But I also have fears.. doubts about what the future holds."

Law slid his hand down my shoulder to my hand, lightly squeezing my hand, his thumb tracing soothing circles on my skin. "I understand, Y/n. We all have our fears and our doubts. But we won't know what the future holds unless we take that leap of faith together. Let's face the challenges head-on, knowing that we have each other's backs."

His words filled me with a sense of comfort and reassurance. With Law by my side, I knew that I could overcome any obstacle that came our way. I took a deep breath, a sense of clarity washing over me.

"Law," I said, my voice filled with determination. "I want to choose you too... So -" I said with a shaky breath. "Let's navigate this journey together, embrace the unknown, and build a future filled with love and adventure, and Bepo, of course."

A smile spread across Law's face, his eyes lighting up with joy. Without a word, he pulled me into a tight embrace, our bodies intertwining. At that moment, I felt a sense of peace and belonging, knowing that I had made the right choice.

(Time Skip)

Days passed us quite blissfully but as days flew by something dark was approaching. The office party Mr. Akainu planned not too long ago.

Law and I navigated the challenges of our relationship, we faced them with a newfound strength and determination. We built a routine together, filled with love, playfulness, and a deep connection that grew stronger with each passing day.

I knew that I had made the right choice. Our love has transcended the boundaries of time and space, and we will create a future that neither of us could have to give anything up anymore.

Chapter 26 End To Be Continued...



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Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now