Chapter 19: Why are we ACTUALLY here?

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No One's POV

Y/n and friends have been on vacation for a little more than 4 days. Throughout the many, many blunders that Bepo had caused them to hide, he was a real talking bear and not a special animatronic on test run

They all had a great time. Bepo was very much building a collection of pictures of the modern world while ALSO having his not so secret growing collection of "cute moments Miss Y/n and Captain have"

Weather it was accidental grazing of hands, Y/n pulling Law's hand, Y/n hugging Law, Law poking Y/n's face in irritation, to even just standing beside each other The two would hear a distinctive *Click* and the *Brrrr* of the picture, developing

They honestly didn't mind it. They started to slowly make it into their own little game.

Like "who could get Bepo to take a picture the most" type of game Law got a little too competitive Making bold moves like: putting his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close while walking down the street, taking a convenient piece of a fallen leaf off of her hair, to even patting her head.

Y/n, however, was not one to lose a challenge. She made bigger and bolder moves: pulling him to dance with her in a dace class they took, grazing his cheek, whispering close to his ear, linking arms, jumping on him and the boldest move she made that 4th day...

Kiss his cheek.

Of course, a cheek is not a problem for most friends to kiss... but when one friend is also turning in that direction... kt becomes... a BIG problem.


In one click, their first kiss together was captured.

Or was it?

She kissed the corner of his lips. So close yet so far.

They pulled away from eachothet as quick as they could as Bepo was ECSTATIC!

"Captain, Captain, look! It really looks like you and Miss Y/n are kissing here!"

Y/n slowly moved back, eyes opening wide as Law's was already wide open out of shock

Y/n acerts her eyes as she eats their dish in silence.


But through the days of their game together, Law noticed Y/n seeming to dread the trip coming to a close.

Day 5 arives, and Law hears quiet sobs behind him.

He reluctantly turns around

"Y/n, what's wrong?"

She stops

"O-oh, you're still awake, heh... I'm okay. Just... go to sleep Law." She says as she she covers herself more with the blanket completely engulfed under it now.

"Y/n. I know something's wrong. And I know it started before we even went on this trip. So tell me. Y/n, why bring us here all of a sudden?"

Y/n freezes from her shuffling slowly, pulling the sheets down to look at Law.

"I... I hate it there..." she says. As if she's spitting venom out of her soft lips.

"It's, It's Mr. Akainu... he's been getting handsy recently. And... and... I'm just scared and confused. I don't know what to do." She says as she starts to grip the blanket.

Law scoots closer to Y/n and pats her head. "Do you want me to teach that guy a lesson?" He says

Y/n's eyes grow wide.

"N-no, it's okay, Law. You know, you're really overpowered in this world, so... it's better you don't use your powers." She says as she holds his one hand.

"Who says I need to use my power for a weakling like your stupid boss? I can just kick the shit out of him the old-fashioned way." He says with a growing smug smile.

Y/n chuckles a bit. "Thanks for making me laugh. But I can handle my own fights. Law. I'll tell call for you when I need a hand." She smiles

"You better. Or I'll blindly go in your office and beat the shit out of that shitty boss of yours myself."

Y/n tells Law that he really should sleep, but Law insists Y/n tells him what exactly happened.


"He did that to you?" He said, now sitting on the bed next to her clenching his hands into tight fists

"Look, Law. You need to relax. This isn't uncommon in the office area... I even heard some of my female colleagues have slept with my boss for a better position... I can fix this on my own. Don't worry." Y/n put her hand on Law's clenched fist.

"Does that mean you..."

"No. I would never sleep with that sleaze bag. He probably has nasty sex diseases or something. No thanks." She smiles at him

Law lightly smiles a bit now, knowing Y/n isn't that type of girl.

"Good. He wouldn't treat you well." He said, now patting her head

Y/n giggled at Law's statement.

"I don't need a guy like him when I still have you... AND BEPO, of course..."

Law chuckled a little bit. "I know Bepo and I can be a handful at times. I really do appreciate that you take care of us. Y/n. You've taken care of us from the moment we arrived at your yard." He sincerely looked deep in her eyes.

"Anyone would do the same Law. You were injured. And, and Bepo... was so distraught. It was heartbreaking. I just knew I needed to help you two. Even if I didn't know who you were... well at the time." Y/n recalled to their first encounter

"Not anyone Y/n. Not all people are as kind as you think. Look at your idiot boss. He's more like hot shit than hot stuff, right? Because in dire situations, people would be selfish and would most likely think about themselves. But at that moment. You opened up your home and heart to us. I really appreciate that." Law was serious, but he spoke only truth to Y/n, and through this conversation, they felt their connection deepen.

"You're the best Law."

"I know. Heh. So, you can trust that I'll make this trip just as memorable to you as it is for me and Bepo. I'll have you forget about your boss for our last day here." He kissed her forhead and laid back down on the bed as he said his goodnights to the stunned the woman's hand, still touching the spot his lips made contact to her.

Does he even have something planned?

Chapter 19 End To Be Continued...


Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now