Chapter 12: I Made A Promise

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(SN: The song goes with the chaper guys)

Y/n's POV

The more time I spent with Law, the more my feelings grew. But it would never work.. I knew that.

I have a life here, a shitty one but a life. He needs to go back to his dimension to save his crew. It's selfish to want him to stay.

I need to distance myself from him.

All I am is someone to help him figure out a way back home. Nothing more, nothing less.

I decided to help Law do more research instead of watching more anime with him even though I knew he'd want to watch Naruto... he needed to figure out how to go back to his world and also learn more about my world to understand it more.

I knocked on his door.


"Lawww! Hurry your ass up! We still have a lot of research to do!"

Law groaned, obviously not wanting to leave the room.

"It's still technically my house! I'm going in!" I said as I slowly opened the door.

The man looked like he barely actually slept. His eye bags are getting darker than before. I'm not too surprised.

I slowly took off my slipper and maniacally stood by his bedside and..


"OW! Wha- Y/n-ya! What the hell!" Law screamed as he finally got up.

I put my slipper back on after the hit and crossed my arms.

"I said we'd be doing research today, Law. I knocked at your door, but you didn't open it."

He sighed. "Y/n-ya, I just need to do research on your world... not a way to go back to mine anymore."

"Huh? Wh-what do you mean?"

"I used my power to get here, and now knowing that I can use my power here... I can go back any time as long as there's a storm, like when Bepo and I got here. "

'So... he can leave me any time?' I thought to myself

I physically felt myself getting heavier as my shoulders dropped in, finding out the information Law told me...

I instinctively grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and buried my face in his face as I started to softly weep.

"L-*sob*-Aw? Why didn't y-*sob*-ou tell me?"

Law's POV

I felt horrible for dropping this on Y/n-ya, but she eventually had to learn it..

"Because I just wanted to spend more time with you, Y/n-ya." I said as I stroked her hair. She never looked up at me as if to try and hide her tears from me.

"H-*sob*-ow long *sniffle* Are you going to stay here for then?"

"For as long as you need me. Y/n-ya, I want you by my side, but I also want to go back to the rest of my crew waiting for me in the New World."

When she finally looked up at me, she had red puffy eyes, tears still falling, my hand seeming to move on its own volition. I wiped some of her tears off her left cheek.

"Law... we're - we're from different worlds. This will never work..."

I held her shoulders. Her delicate shoulders.

"Y/n-ya, I'll do anything for you to stay by my side. Please. You have to come with me -"

"LAW, I'M SCARED!" She screamed

My eyes widen.

"LAW! YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS YOUR WORLD IS! All I'd do is slow you down..." she stated as she turned away from me.

"You won't. Because I'll get stronger. Strong enough to protect you and everyone I lost before. Y/n-ya.. I don't want you staying here with your boss and ex treating you the way they do. I want to be there to protect you."

A hopeful gaze was what I saw in Y/n's eyes, a gaze asking if I felt the same as her.

"You're my savior. This is the best way for me to save you, too."

Her face dropped. It was almost as if I crushed her.

No One's POV

Y/n refusing to let her feelings show she turned away from Law

"I understand." Was all she said

As she walked off, she didn't turn back. But stopped a little ways away from Law.

"I just need some time right now.."

She left to the attic, closing herself off.

'He doesn't love me. He just wants to repay me..' she thought as she weapt

Life had been cruel to Y/n, but when Law stumbled on her backyard, it was as if life was trying to repay all the shit it put her through. But now it was like a whole new slap in the face.

She'll always be alone.

She was delusional.

Law doesn't care about her.

And there is no way for them to be together.

She'd thought it through. She looked at it from all angles, but.. there was no way.. no possible way for them to be together without the other being taken or kept in another world..

All she thought of was how selfish she was.

How selfish life was to her.


Law was left dumbfounded. He didn't know what he said wrong.

He was just showing how much she meant to him.. so why did she leave so abruptly?

As if his instincts kicked in and he went around the house to look for Y/n to understand why? Was it wrong for him to want her by his side?

Questions upon questions flooded his mind as he went around the house to look for her to no avail. Till he rememered... 'The attic'

Y/n's POV

I heard him... I heard him say "Room" till he showed up in front of me.

My eyes hurt from crying because of my dilemma as he approached me.

"Y/n-ya... I need an explanation. What's wrong?"

I looked at him, glaring daggers as my eyes drifted off to the multiple figurines of Law around the room.

Yes.. I was hurt.. but he doesn't even know why.

"Law-" I say with tears in my eyes

"-it hurts to be something, but it worse to be nothing with you." I say as I look away from him

"Y/n-ya, I don't -"



Chapter 12 End To Be Continued...


(AN: lol, I know it's a bit of a dick move on my part to write a cliffhanger, but do not fret, reader, there is more to come.


Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now