Chapter 22: Unwanted Visitor

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No One's POV

As the doorbell rang frantically, Y/n hurried to the door, not wanting Law to be troubled.

As she opened the door, she was greeted by a frantic man bags to his side and crocodile tears down his face.

"Morgan..." Y/n breathed out

Morgan fell on his knees. "Y/n! Please take me back. I was wrong, I need you. You're the only one for me, I made a mistake!" He rambled

Law walked near the front door in view of Morgan he scratched his stomach

"Y/n, who's at the door being so damn loud?" Law finally glanced at the opened door. Law grew a mischievous smirk and hummed. "Hmm, It's you, Baka-ya. What are you doing here?"

Morgan looked back and forth between Law and me, "What the hell is this wannabe doing in our house, Y/n?!" As Morgan finished his sentence, Y/n grew annoyed."OUR house? What the hell do you mean by OUR house? THIS IS MY HOUSE MORGAN!" The door flew open at Y/n's rage

Y/n approached Morgan with an accusatory finger jabbing him. "You come here to MY house and have the NERVE to ask about guests I have? HOW DARE YOU! Just a little refresher, Morgan, YOU LEFT ME! I didn't kick you out or anything. YOU LEFT ON YOUR OWN!"

as Y/n was jabbing her finger at Morgan, he was slowly backing away from the front door from the amount of force Y/n was using.

Law just so happened to find the events pretty entertaining, and instead of leaving Y/n on her own to deal with her ex, and also for her safety, he kept an eye on them. He walked to the opened door leaning on it as he watched her yell at Morgan with a slight smirk.

Oh, was he enjoying this.

Morgan was mad, yes, but he needed a place to stay. The only person he could think of was his lonely ex... or at least that was what he thought till he ended up seeing Law.

Y/n's POV

I just couldn't take this shit anymore! I was in my last good mood till Morgan had to go and ruin that, too.

He was always the type of guy to regret the choices he made after a while. I shouldn't be surprised that he's here begging to be let into the house.


Screw HIM!

I stand in my place. He can go run after that bimbo he cheated on me with. I don't care anymore!

Now that I'm finally becoming happy? Now that I'm getting my shit figured out? NOW THAT I'M NOT ALONE? HE COMES BACK?! HELL NO!

Law called him "Baka-ya," which I think really suits him. He's an idiot for sure.

"Take your shit and DON'T come near me again, Morgan! I'm warning you." I stomped my way back to the house and to the front door where Law was, and as he leaned off the door and moved away, I grabbed it and slammed it shut. Locking the locks

"It's just one problem after another! Ughhh!" I angrily scratched the back of my head. "He is such a pain!" As I walked off, Law followed me

Law still was somewhat smirking. Maybe he enjoyed my actions to Morgan, I can't really blame him. Their first impressions weren't all too nice.

"So, what are you gonna do if he doesn't leave?" I looked back to Law quizzingly, "like if he just sits there outside being stubborn?" He nodded.

"Pft, he can freeze there all night for all I care." I retorted. No mercy this time. I am not gonna run out to him again this time around.

Law's smirk grew. "Sounds good to me, hey Y/n I'm just gonna be at your study doing more research, okay?" I waved Law off as he walked to the study himself.

When I was left on my own, I sneaked to the front door again to peek out the peephole. Sure enough, Law was right. Morgan was there sitting at the Poarch swing with his bags to the side.

He really isn't leaving, huh...

I don't know if I feel bad or not... At one point in my life, I did want to spend the rest of my life with him. Then again he did fuck that up by cheating.

I sighed and walked away from the front door, opting to go to Bepo's room to update him on our little situation.

As I was walking away, I couldn't help but look back. 'He might actually freeze there through the night...' I shake my thoughts away and walk to Bepo's room

Opening the door, I was greeted by a focused bear learning how to do origami. "New hobby?" I questioned still at his door

"Oh! Hi Miss Y/n! Yes, I picked it up after watching a few videos about it. It does get pretty mundane here at the house not doing much." I felt a tinge of guilt.

I know I wanted them safe and all but I hardly take Bepo out as much as Law. And when I do, it's mostly at night when no one would notice the large bear. 'He probably misses his adventures.' I cleared my throat."So... we have a bit of a problem... and this means you're gonna have to stay here in the room just in case Bepo... I'm so sorry for this."

Bepo looked at me. He tried not to show it, but I could see it in his eyes. He wasn't happy. The last thing I want is to make the ones in my life right now upset, I need to get Morgan out of here ASAP.

Law POV (Did ya miss me?)

I knew Y/n could handle herself. But there was a sense of protectiveness within me. Like I wanted to pull her into my arms and shield her from the horrible men who have been around her.

They reminded me of the stuck-up celestial dragons in the Sabaody archipelago. Man, were they something.

I needed to find a way to push her in the right direction without interfering with her life. Because god, I've already done enough.

I knew I had a soft spot for her maybe like Bepo? No. It was different. Deeper. A nicer feeling. Like being underneath the stars at night. Being in the silent bubble Cora used to do. Or the warmth of my crew all in one girl.

What the hell was this feeling?

I typed away on the computer doing as much research as I could. Time travel, interdimensional travel, hell even manga. Of course, I knew I still had my own objective to get home, but... one way or another, I'll find a way to be with Y/n

I just need her to be around me. And I have a feeling she feels the same way.

Just gotta get that Baka-ya Morgan out of Y/n's life. For good.

"Maybe... heh. A little scare won't hurt, right?" I typed away as a smirk grew on my face.

Chapter 22 End To Be Continued...


(AN: Law has a plan... ouuuu!

I'll see y'all next week!!! ♡)

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now