Chapter 11: And You Are?

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(AN: Hopefully, I made myself clear that Mr. Akainu looks like Doflamingo but just has Akainu's name lol so the image above would be Mr. Akainu. Also, he's toxic. Don't simp for him, pleaseee)


No One's POV

Y/n was cuddled next to Bepo on the couch as they watched some horror movies on Nowflix. Eventually, Law joined in sitting beside Y/n with popcorn in hand.

Law was generous enough to share with the two as they all watched together, but when Bepo had to go to the washroom, Y/n lost her protection from the scary scenes.

The only one there to shield her from the jumpscares was Law, so she held the fabric of his sweater. Hiding behind his back as she shook whenever the scenes got really scary.

"Scaredy cat." He said while still eating the popcorn casually.

"Are you kidding?! The monster is HORRIFYING!!!" She screamed behind him, still clutching the fabric of his clothing.

But when a big jumpscare came, she screamed and wrapped her arms around his arm, closing her eyes.

Law sighed. "Why even pick a horror movie if you're too scared to watch it?"

"Because! Bepo was supposed to protect me."

She hugged Law's arm for protection, but in doing so, she never really noticed Law's light blush from him, feeling her chest.

'Damn dirty thoughts,' he thought while he glanced at her.

When Bepo came back, he noticed the two getting a lot closer and thought that by persuading the two to become a couple he would be able to make the captain happy and would be able to hang out with Y/n more!

'If captain and Miss Y/n got together... maybe she can go home with us! I can introduce her to Shachi and Penguin!' Bepo gleefully joined them again, sitting next to Y/n.

That was till the doorbell rang. Y/n asked Bepo to go in his room so no one would see the talking bear just in case and for Law to go to his room to not raise suspicion on their relationship.

When Y/n got to the door, she opened it to someone she would have never expected...


"M-Mr. Akainu?" My eyes grew wide as a stutter sliped past my lips

"Ah, Miss. L/n am I bothering you?"

"Uh, um, n-no sir. Wh-what brings you to my house?"

"I wanted to see if those rumors had any basis. Though from first impressions, I am not seeing a man around."

"S-sir. Did you really have to go to my residency just to confirm a baseless rumor? P-please leave my property, sir."

It was an odd occurrence of events for sure. Seeing my boss actually make the time from his multiple nightly affairs in the red light district to see me at my house... just for a rumor? What the hell is he thinking?!

Soon enough, as the tension was as thick as cheese, I heard a door open and close behind me.

"Oi Y/n-ya, what's wrong? What's going on?"

"I-I'm fine, just stay at your R-room." I stuttered. Damn my nerves were getting the best of me

"Ah, are you the man making Miss.
L/n a whore?" Mr. Akainu so boldly claimed

Law scoffed. "Yeah okay asshole, and you are?"

"I am Miss. L/n's handsome and intelligent boss. You can call me Sir. Akainu."

"Listen here Shit Dog, I really don't like your face, so if you can fuck off to your own life and leave Y/n-ya alone that'd be great."

When Law finished what he said he gently moved me aside from the door to slam it on Mr. Akainu's face.


"Don't care, let's go."

Law securely held my hand and pulled me to my room.

I couldn't see his eyes, his hat shielding them.

"Y/n-ya, why's Doflamingo in this world too?"

"H-huh? O-oh no, no, he's not! He's from this dimension Law, I swear! He's my boss. That's all he is."

'And an absolute ass' I thought to myself.

"Then why did he-"

"Honestly, I don't know Law. I know what you're thinking. But he really isn't Doflamingo."

"I trust you Y/n-ya" his hand gripped harder on mine as I squeeze his as well

"That's why I wanted you to stay in the room... idiot."

He scoffed at me and I got to see his smirk again. Oh that handsome smirk of his.

"You're the idiot for trying to hide anything from me Y/n-ya."

I laughed as I poked his cheek with my other hand. "It's too hard to hide anything from you anyway." I smiled

No One's POV

Y/n soon knocked of Bepo's door to signal the all clear and that he could come out now. Bepo reluctantly opened his room door but when he saw Y/n's happy face he got happy too.

"Miss. Y/n can we watch more movies?"

"Sure thing Bepo! Oh! You know what... why don't we watch One Piece?" She had an evil smirk on her face

"Huh? But we literally lived that."

"Nuh uh, I only know the Strawhats side Law. I want to know what happed to YOU guys so if you're still not on the screen you tell me what you guys did at the time!"

Law sighed as Bepo happily agreed to Y/n's ridiculous conditions.

"After we can watch Natuto Law~ they're Ninjas~"

You could practically see Law's ear twitch when he heard what Y/n said.

"Fine, I'll play your stupid game, But first do the ninjas have cool techniques?"

"Oh and so much more Law~ so you better answer my questions or you'll never see them."

He sat and crossed his legs agreeing to my terms.

~ Hours Later ~

"Okay, so what was your favorite thing about your family? How did you become such a great doctor from just reading? How-"

"Y/n-ya it's too late. I never knew how long the anime was... we didn't even get to see the Ninja anime." He sulked

"We'll watch it at some point Law. But I thiinkk we should probably call it a day." She eyed the tired Brear and the dark skys at her window.

"I'll ask more questions in the morning, Nighht~" she scurried off

"Wha- No Y/n-ya I don't- ah never mind."

Law got Bepo up as the two slowly trudged to their respective rooms.

"Goodnight Bepo-ya"

"Have a good night Captain."

Chapter 11 End To Be Continued...

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now