Chapter 9: Drink With Me

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(AN: I listened to this song while writing. This song would go great with the chapter! Enjoy ♡)
No One's POV

Law and Y/n were beeming with happiness as they got into the house telling Bepo how Law can now drive. Bepo was ecstatic!

Y/n could see it in Law's face how he enjoyed the praise he got from Bepo

"That's incredible, captain! Now we don't have to always be stuck at the house!"

"Um... Bepo... Remember? There's no talking bears in this world?"

A look of shock on the poor bears face as Y/n basically crushed his dreams of going out to see the city too.

"I'm sorry." He replied, sulking

Y/n immediately regret what she said as she patted Bepo's back, saying they could go out at night, but Bepo would have to wear a full-on disguise.

You gave him a big trench coat, a face mask, sun glasses, and a hat.

"You know what! Let's all get alcohol and bring it back here to celebrate Law now being able to drive!"

Law looked at Y/n quizzingly

"COME ON! Don't be a party pooper! Drink with me, no DRINK WITH US!" She pulled Bepo down to her height and was cheek to cheek with him

Both want to enjoy their time at the house and drink with someone they looked up to.

Law just sighed in defeat. "It's not like I have any other choice." He shrugged

"YAYY!!" The two screamed

"Okay, okay, let's go before law changes his mind." Y/n said

~ A few moments later ~

5 bottles of vodka and 2 packs of beer were brought by Law and Bepo into the house.

"I'll get the glasses. Let's celebrate!"   Y/n said


Y/n already drank a bottle of vodka on her own when she heard a loud *THUMP* beside her.

"YOU DAMN LIGHTWEIGHT! Ahahahaha!" Y/n screamed at Law

Law still hasn't slept and is now drinking heavily with a woman who could DEFINITELY hold her liquor.

She was starting to get pretty handsy, too. Wanting hugs from Bepo and slaming Law's back to wake him up to drink more.

"Come onn Lawww, drink *hiccup* moreeeee~"

She was now shaking Law and shoving the last bottle of vodka to him.

"Driiinnk~" she carried the word

Law raised his head to drink off the bottle. They were both at the point of no return.

Bepo passed out clutching the small stuffed bear that Law got, and now it was just Law and Y/n drinking.

"Y/n-ya, this is gonna g-ugh-ive us a hangover tomorrow." Law said whist almost thowing up.

Y/n just looked at Law. Fom his hat on his head to the clothes that she got for him.

Law turned from the table to look at her looking at him. Both finally make eye contact.

"Law. I know I tell you this a lot but you're handsome." She smiled

As he just kept looking into her eyes

"Not just handsome, you've got drive. You have a dream, and you have freedom, too. You're everything I've strived for."

Y/n got up, but still hella drunk, she didn't get far till she sat on Law's legs sideways.

She laughed "well isn't this embarrassing." Putting more emphasis on the last word

Law didn't say anything. Maybe he was just too wasted to do so.

He tucked her loose hair to one ear just to admire her more.

"I think you're beautiful too." He simply said, looking at her eyes.

She was visibly shocked by what Law said. As she raised her hand to slowly touch and hold his cheek almost to see if he actually is real or if this was a dream. She looked at his lips. She knew what she wanted to do..

Law held Y/n's hips so she wouldn't fall again, but she did fall she fell without him seeing. She fell in a different way. One where she stayed on his lap but was still up in the clouds.

Y/n didn't want to ruin their arraignment, and they both were drunk. She didn't want a kiss or even more to be a mistake. Instead, she pecked his cheek. Soft and sweetly

"Thank you." She muttered quietly. Law not noticing

Y/n in her mind knew that, that 'thank you.' Was for more than him saying she's beautiful. It was deeper. Something she still needed to fully get a grasp on.

She knew that she was falling for him. More than she ever did in the anime. Because now... it was really him.

Law's gaze did not leave Y/n he basically zoned out. She patted his shoulder.

"Okay, guys, let's go to bed."

She got off Law and pulled up Bepo with both hands, Bepo not budging she asked Law to use his power to just teleport Bepo to the bed.

"He's fine here, " Law deadpaned

"Pleaaseee Law. You can't just let him sleep here! I mean, look at him!" Y/n pointed at Bepo cuddling the small polar bear stuffed animal. Law begrudgingly transported Bepo to his room.

"Now I don't have anything to sleep with." He complained. Till he slowly turned to Y/n

"No. I told you. It was only that ONE time you're not going NEAR my room anymore."

'I probably shouldn't say I use her shower in her room then.' he thought

"Fine. Then let's sleep on the couch then. We can sober up and sleep there." He pointed at the large couch that pulled out to also become a makeshift bed.

"You're such a pain in the ass Law." She pinched her brows

"I know." Was all he said till he pulled her hand to the couch

Y/n got her blankets and pillows from her room and made the border between them again.

"Oh, come on, Y/n-ya just lay down beside me." Law threw the long pillow away to Y/n's shock

"W-wha LAW! DON'T THOW THINGS!" she says as she throws a pillow to his face

Law quickly catches it and laughs, "If you're gonna make rules, I suggest you follow them too, Y/n-ya."

She laughs and plops down next to him, looking at his beautiful golden eyes.

He smiles and pulls her close, kissing her forhead. "Goodnight, Y/n-ya." Softly whispered as he turned away from her, falling into quick sleep only to abruptly wake up and throw up inside the garbage can.

Y/n was stunned after Law, so absent mindedly kissed her forhead. 'He's making this so hard.' She thought as she held the spot he kissed yet patting his back as he threw up.

"Idiot." Was the only thing she could say hiding her red face from him


They slept beside each other, inevitably cuddling like before but slightly different. It was as if Y/n held Law closer, hugged tighter.

'What have you done to me, Law?' Was the only thing in her thoughts.

~ In the morning ~

Y/n woke up in Law's arms being hugged close. "Damn it, Law. What am I gonna do with you." She caressed his cheek as he crunched his face

She got out of his hold and got ready for hell at work.

Chapter 9 End To Be Continued...

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now