Ending B

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Y/n's POV

I nodded, my heart aching but knowing that I was making the right choice. "I want you to be happy, Law. If your heart belongs to the world of One Piece, then let's start our new adventure." I smile at him as I hold his hand he holds my waist tenderly and leans down kissing me so sweetly as if to say "Thank you my love" I hear the audible snap of the Polaroid camera Bepo has as I pull away from Law I saw Bepo was smiling so wide.

I laughed as I looked back to Law. "So... Do I need to pack clothes?" he laughed as he took some photos from our frames and put them in my hands. "All you need is me and these. Bepo it's time, let's go back home." as we walked to the familiar spot where I found them both Law held out his hand for me to hold as I intertwined my fingers with his Bepo hugged us both from behind. we all giggle as I hear the infamous line "Shambles!" from Law.

I left my world to be with him. I knew I couldn't live without him anymore. we are more than partners, more than lovers. he has been my warmth, my light, my smile, my everything. As I opened my eyes to our new surroundings we found ourselves on an island. As we walked further into the island we found a small village.

As we walked further into the island, the small village came into view. It was bustling with activity, the sounds of laughter and music filling the air. The villagers greeted us warmly, their smiles inviting and friendly.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity as we explored the village. The vibrant colours, the lively atmosphere—it was a stark contrast to the world I had known. And yet, it felt like a place where I belonged.

As we passed by a small marketplace, the scent of exotic fruits and spices wafted through the air. The villagers were busy selling their wares, their energy contagious. I couldn't resist the temptation and bought a basket of juicy tropical fruits, the taste exploding with flavour in my mouth.

Law and Bepo were by my side, their presence comforting and reassuring. We shared in the joy of discovering a new world, a new beginning.

As the day turned into night, we found ourselves gathered around a bonfire, the villagers singing and dancing in celebration. Law's arm was draped around my shoulder, his presence grounding me in this new reality.

I couldn't help but think about Law's missing crew, the Heart Pirates. I knew that finding them would be our next adventure—a journey to reunite Law with his family. It was a daunting task, but I was filled with determination and hope.

The villagers noticed our conversation turned serious, and one of them approached us, a wise look in his eyes. "I can see the longing in your hearts," he said, his voice filled with wisdom. "If you seek the crew of the Heart Pirates, you must venture through the harshness of The New World. It is a treacherous sea, but nothing can stand in the way of true determination."

His words struck a chord within me. The New World—the path to adventure and the unknown. It was a path we were willing to tread, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

As the night grew darker, Law squeezed my hand, his gaze filled with determination. "We'll find them, Y/n. We'll reunite the Heart Pirates, and together, we'll create a new chapter in our lives."

I smiled, my heart full of love and anticipation. "Yes, Law. Let's embark on this journey together, hand in hand, as we navigate the seas and chase our dreams."

And with that, surrounded by the warmth of the villagers and the love of my newfound family, we set forth on our next adventure—searching for the missing members of the Heart Pirates.

We hitched a ride with some passing fishermen to the next island only to see two familiar crying figures.

No One's POV

In a picturesque garden filled with blooming roses, Y/n and Law stood with Bepo, their eyes widening in surprise as they spotted Sachi and Penguin. The two Heart Pirates were sitting amidst the flowers, looking somewhat dishevelled yet relieved.

"Sachi! Penguin! What are you two doing here?" Law called out, his voice a mix of concern and amusement.

Sachi wiped away his tears hastily, trying to maintain a tough facade. "C-Captain! We were just... uh... taking a break from our pirate duties!"

Penguin nodded vigorously, his eyes darting between Y/n and Law. "Yeah, we heard about this beautiful garden and thought we'd check it out. Didn't expect to run into you guys!"

Sachi and Penguin's surprise encounter with Law and Y/n in the picturesque garden left them momentarily speechless. They exchanged glances, a mischievous smirk forming on both of their faces. Especially since Y/n was gorgeous.

Sachi was the first to recover from the initial shock, a teasing twinkle in his eye. "Ah, Captain, didn't expect to find you here with such lovely company. Is this your new crewmate, or perhaps a little more?"

Law's face flushed slightly, caught off guard by the playful teasing. He cleared his throat before responding. "This is Y/n, my... friend. We've been through quite a bit together."

Y/n couldn't help but smile at the mischievous exchange between Sachi and Law. She decided to play along, her voice laced with amusement. "Oh, I'm more than just a new crewmate. I am Law's partner in crime, his right-hand woman. We've even shared a bed without him being mad."

Penguin's eyes widened in understanding, his laughter filling the air. "Ah, I see! Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. You sure know how to handle that grumpy Captain of ours."

The tension dissipated as the group shared a lighthearted moment. It became clear that Sachi and Penguin were unaware of the true nature of Law and Y/n's relationship. Y/n couldn't help but wonder how they would react when they eventually found out. without the sarcasm of course.

As they continued their conversation and shared stories of their recent adventures, Sachi and Penguin found out that Law and Bepo were in a different dimension without them and Bepo shared the pictures he had snapped of Law and Y/n and even just the three of them together. Though somewhat jealous that they were left out the bond between the Heart Pirates and Y/n continued to grow. It felt like a natural fit as if they were meant to cross paths and contribute to each other's journeys.

Little did they know, their reunion would mark the beginning of a new era of adventure, camaraderie, and a thrilling chase toward their dreams. To be at the Strawhats side as they find the legendary One Piece!

The End


(AN: A Beautiful end to a beautiful story with a wonderful fan base! Love You All <3

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now