Chapter 14: Why Can't We?

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No One's POV

"Law... You need to understand. I love and care for you. But a part of me feels like it might just be because I watched you in the anime."

Law gritted his teeth, not liking how things were going. It's not going the way he planned.

"Y/n-ya, I just don't understand why we can't even try? I'm here! I'm RIGHT here! I'm not in a book anymore, nor am I just an anime character now! I'm alive just like you, and I can understand that you have a fear of falling in love with a mere image of me, but we can understand each other more by you coming with me."

The woman held Law's chin with one hand as she was shorter than the tall lad and looked into his golden eyes.

"Law, that's why we need time. The time to figure out what I feel exactly and for you to fully understand your feelings as well. Do you get it?" She gave the most sincerest of looks to Law as she sighed

"You know... I still have family alive. I can't just up and disappear here. It's not just my job." She then cupped Law's cheek again,"but I can't deny that I'm pretty persuaded by your offer."

She then softly patted Law's cheek, "Now let's go downstairs before Bepo starts to worry."

Law nodded, still not fully happy with her decision but just accepting it non the less.

He understood how leaving such important people could be hard. Hell, he's feeling the same thing when he left his own crew behind. But to imagine going back to his own world without her, her comforting warmth just doesn't sit right with him..

When the two got back down from the attic, Bepo came and hugged the two who confined themselves in the space.

"WHAT TOOK YOU TWO SO LONGG? Captain! Were you and Miss Y/n..." Bepo moved his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

Y/n looked away in embarrassment while Law... "WE TALKED! WE JUST TALKED BEPO-YA!"

Bepo snickered but crossed his arms. "Don't worry like that again, though, guys! You two really need to get more along.."

The two looked at each other at Bepo's words and then looked at Bepo.

"We'll try," they say together


Y/n's POV

"Sooo~, who's hungry?" I said as to make new conversation.

The two boys both affirmed their hunger as we walked to the kitchen to prepare some food together.

"Law, you're good with a knife, wanna cut up some vegetables?" He just nodded as I handed him what he needed, and he chopped some vegetables for our soup.

I knew how the outburst of me admitting my love for Law would compicate things, but it was necessary. I hid things from him when I first met him... it felt freeing, not hiding anything from him. Communication IS key, right?

But I just can't stop thinking about how he really thinks of me... am I really just his savior? Just someone who so happens to be kind enough to open up their house to them?

I audibly sigh.

"Miss Y/n.." Bepo whispered

"Are you thinking of coming with us back to the crew?" The look on Bepo's face looked somewhat hopeful.

"Well.. Bepo.. I'll be thinking it over." I softly looked at him.

"I'll take that as a maybe then," he smiled brightly

Damn. My heart strings.

This was definitely why I loved Bepo. Cute ass talking bear that's just way too loveable!

I internally squealed as I dropped the ladle and hugged that soft bear man.

"You're just too soft." i sigh almost in relief.

I swear Bepo hugs basically feel like therapy. You know what, maybe better than therapy because it's FREEE!

Bepo put the spices down and basically lifted me up in a closer bear hug!

I swear in the corner of my eye, I could see Law seething. I don't think he likes me doting on Bepo too much.. does he think I'm stealing his crewmate?

Ah, whatever. Cuteness is cuteness, after all!

As I then heard a loud *CHOP* from the knife Law was using...

I patted Bepo to put me down, and I went back to mixing the soup as Law left the kitchen.

Law's POV

Mostly because she comforted Bepo better than she did with me, but... it bothered me. He's getting doted on while I'm stuck with grunt work chopping up stupid vegetables. Tch, what the hell does she think of me? I'M A DAMN CAPTAIN BEFORE I GOT IN THIS WORD DAMN IT!

She flat out basically rejected my opposition in the first few times. I tried to persuade her to come with me to come with me to the world in the manga, and here she is... saying she's 'thinking about it' with one ask from Bepo-ya? Psh.

I can't believe the audacity. It's not fair.

I chopped the last vegetable as hard as I could, slaming the knife to get her attention from Bepo to me.

When she finally was put down by my crew member, I left. I just can't stand this. Things just feel so off for some reason after she confesses what she truly felt.

What the hell am I feeling?

This crap is stupid.

I need a distraction.

I went to read more of the manga that Y/n-ya had in her house. I'm caught up to her One Piece manga, sooo.... hmnn... Naruto?

~time skippp~

I was on the 3rd volume when I heard Y/n-ya calling for me to eat.

I begrudgingly walked to the kitchen as Y/n gave me a serving.

I eat in silence, something I haven't done since the first time I got here.

Chapter 14 End To Be Continued...


(AN: I'm so sorry for the short chapter!! I've been having a hard time figuring out how to make the plot really thicken. (T~T) forgive me, reader! This is also the last chapter of this week, till I really sit on the plot a little while and write more chapters. I'll update on my profile if I can.)

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now