Chapter 16: Work Etiquette

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( !WARNING! Reader's discretion is advised!
If you are ever in a similar situation, please report harassment in the work or school place.

Themes: S3xual Harassment, Workplace bullying; verbal criticism, personal attacks, humiliation, belittling.

Remember, if you are in similar circumstances, report the abuser to HR or your school office.)


Y/n's POV

When I woke up, I didn't bother to wake up Law to drive me as I thought I had already mentally drained the guy, so I drove there myself.

for the first time in a while, I arrived at work at the same time as my boss Mr. Akainu.

"Good morning, sir!" I bowed as he smiled. But the smile seemed off. It wasn't a nice and genuine smile, sort of a sadistic and cunning one instead.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here so bright and early with a man toy just waiting at home." He said

I don't know how comfortable Mr. Akainu felt around me to start talking to me this way, but there has always been this weirdness around him. He was always around women, well the women that would throw themselves onto a rich man that is.

But getting my promotion after my separation from my ex-fiancé Morgan was a saving grace with bills and everything, so even if he is a pain, I still feel thankful.

"I-it's not like that, sir. U-um we just live together.. that's it." I said, trying to clear up my image to my boss.

Mr. Akainu walked closer to me and I started to have this guttural feeling that something felt off or something bad was going to happen.

"So this means you're still single, correct?" He said now in front of me, holding a strand of my hair.

"I am... but I don't see the reason you'd need to know this sir, this is persona -" I was cut off when I felt the hand that he held my hair with grope my ass.

"You know, I keep you so close for more than just paperwork, Miss. L/n. You've always looked so... Ravishing. Just the thought of you..." he licked his lips as I felt uneasy.

I slowly pushed his arm away from me as I backed away from him.

"I'm going upstairs now, sir... but please. Refrain from your desires while in a work setting. This is very unprofessional." I say as he just laughs it off as if he didn't just sexually harass me.

"Oh, come on, Miss. L/n don't act like you wouldn't get with me when you're always giving me that look on your face. And how you dress.. you're asking for it."

Ladies and Gentlemen, this was my breaking point. Something in my head just snapped as I clenched my fist and went off on my boss.

"Sir. My FACE? This is my natural expression. I don't know what kind of face you're imagining, but it sure as hell wasn't mine. Most likely from Prawn Crab. Second, JUST because I dress a certain way does NOT mean I'm asking for it. I dress this way because it's COMANY POLICY, not for you. I always knew you were a jerk, but I didn't know how much of a sick bastard you are." I huffed as I thought about what I would have said at the moment.

Instead, I collected myself as I walked into the elevator with him as he continued to make advances on me.

Of course, I was uncomfortable. Yes, I knew that I should do something, but... what? He was my boss... not just that he was the CEO... I felt so... powerless.

Throughout the day, Mr. Akainu kept an eye on me, passing by my desk more often. And getting more... touchy. It was disgusting. I felt gross like every time he touched me, there was a bit of dirt or mud in his hands, making me filthy.

The day felt longer than usual. Maybe because of how I dreaded it so much. But before I went home, Mr. Akainu called me into his office.

"Miss. L/n, today was... fun. I should have done this as soon as I gave you that damn promotion. What a pity. Heh. Anyway. There's a work function coming up next month. I expect you to look your finest. Show off your body more." He smirked as he licked his lips.

I felt a shiver down my spine, and I can tell you now it was not in a good way.

I nodded and headed out the door, releasing a breath I was holding in.

"Damn it," I muttered to myself.

I knew I should have been more cautious with him. He would quite literally sleep with each and every woman he could. It's a surprise he hasn't gotten anyone pregnant or gotten STDs.

All I wanted to do now was go home and have a nice warm shower to get his filth off of me.

Now I know. The only reason he helped me out... was to get in my fucking pants. That disgusting bastard.

I gathered my things left and noted that I needed a vacation for a week and left for the day. I set up a temporary assistant for my place for the week and even made sure she was young and pretty. The only one I found was a woman named Violet to take my place.

She was a nice woman, but I knew she was also in the same situation I was in. Uncomfortable with our boss's advances. I'll have to apologize when I come back from my week's vacation, I guess.

I message the girl as I descend down the elevator to my car.

This day TOTALLY sucked. I want to go to the beach... maybe a resort?

Should I figure out a way for Law and Bepo to come with me on this little trip of mine? They'd definitely make it more enjoyable than going alone, that's for sure.

When I finished messaging Violet, I looked up some private flights from

Y/C to V/P (Vacation Place).

I needed to figure out a way to make Bepo not look suspicious but also bring him along with Law and me so he could have some fun, too.

I specifically looked at private jets that allowed pets and animals. Specifically, big animals. I could probably lie that Bepo was a trained pet bear... as long as he doesn't start speaking... or maybe I should just stick to making people believe he's just a crazy furry?

'Ah, I'll figure it out.' I thought as I smiled and looked into more private jets.

Chapter 16 End To Be Continued...


(AN: I did say things would get spicy, right? Heh. The next chapter should be a little more light-hearted, though. Thank you for reading and supporting my story reader! ♡

I'll be taking a short break from this story after the next chapter to figure out what direction this story should take.)

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now