New Years Special: When The Clock Hits 12

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(AN: Just wanted to make clear, these Specials and Fillers are NOT Cannon to the main story. But they are hella fun to write lol!

!Trigger Warning! Mr. Akainu is gonna be a gross asshole this chapter)

Yn's POV

Being invited to a New Year's party from work?

Just my luck.

Law and I have been... more comfortable with each other... to say the least. Wouldn't hurt to bring him along on this little New Year's bash, Mr. Akainu set up.

especially since Mr. Akainu has been getting pretty handsy as of late

I know Law isn't a huge fan of Mr. Akainu's behaviour, so I might as well use it to my advantage.

Walking up to the large event hall in a short dress going only to my thighs might have been a bad decision on my part, but I just loved seeing that look on Law's face. The 'I'm gonna act cool but I definitely approve' look

I intertwined my arm with Law's as we headed into the event

"Law, are you SURE this dress is fine? Not too short, right?" I said as I pulled at the bottom of the dress

"You look fine, Y/n-ya stop worrying so much. You are with me after all."

He said that so nonchalantly, and now I'm a blushing mess. Stupid Law.

My grip on his arm tightened as we walked around to see the familiar yet distant coworkers I had to pass us by and wish us a happy New Year's Eve

Law was friendly enough to say "thanks" but not to entertain the people's curiosity about our relationship.

I felt Law's arm tense under my grip, his stoic demeanour remaining unchanged despite the curious glances thrown our way. I really did appreciate his subtle way of deterring any unwanted questions about our relationship.

As we wandered through the crowd, I noticed Mr. Akainu making his way toward us, an unwelcoming smile on his face. I tried to discreetly tighten my grip on Law's arm, silently signalling my discomfort with Mr. Akainu's approach

"Ah, Y/n, glad you could make it," Mr. Akainu said, his gaze flickering between Me and Law. "And who's this?"

"This is Trafalgar Law," I introduced, my tone as neutral as possible. "A..." I glanced at Law looking for the words to be put together he nodded as to signal me to just go ahead."A friend."

Law nodded in acknowledgment but remained composed, his expression giving away nothing.

"Ah, I see. Well, I hope you both enjoy the festivities," Mr. Akainu said with a smug smile before excusing himself.

I let out a relieved sigh one I didn't even know I was holding as he walked away. "Thank you for being my shield, Law."

He looked down at me, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. "Always."

As the night went on, Law and I found ourselves mingling with other guests, trying to enjoy ourselves despite the uncomfortable encounter with Mr. Akainu. The music was loud, the drinks were flowing, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement.

But as the night progressed, I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching me. I scanned the room, my eyes darting from face to face, searching for any signs of suspicion. However, I couldn't pinpoint anyone who seemed out of place.

Law noticed my unease and gently squeezed my hand. "What's wrong, Y/n-ya?"

"I don't know, Law," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the music. "I just can't shake off this feeling that someone is watching us."

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now