Chapter 18: Pools

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Y/n's POV

Waking up from my nap beside Law, I got up and looked through my stuff for my swimsuit. I knew it could be a bit more relaxing in the private pool area and well. I wanted to actually feel like I was on vacation.

While rummaging through my stuff, I heard some rustling down the hall.

"Bepo?" I quietly whispered down the hall. "Miss Y/n?" I heard back

I sighed in relief now, knowing Bepo was the one making noise and not an intruder. 'He's probably taking pictures again,' I thought

When I found my swimsuit, I hurriedly put it on before Law could wake up and put a nice robe on top so I wouldn't be too exposed inside the villa.

I then looked for Bepo and found him in his room fiddling with his Polaroid camera, most likely to put more film in it.

"Planning to take more sneaky pictures of me and your captain Bepo?" I said with a glooming aura

Bepo flinched, feeling my dark presence. "Ah! M-Miss Y/n, ha ha. I wasn't expecting you in my room." He said as he scratched the back of his head

"I'm sorry!" He politely bowed

I giggled a little bit with his mini panic of me, knowing what he's been up to when he holds that damn camera.

"I'm kidding, Bepo, it's fine. Plus, the pictures you take are great memories to have, " I said as I looked at one of them

"I actually went here to ask if you wanted to go swimming with me at the pool." When I said that, I swear I saw flowers around Bepo as he was gleaming in happiness.

"I'd love to Miss Y/n! I'll get captain to join us near the pool, too!" Bepo said excitedly

I pondered for a bit... right, devil fruit users can't swim. But what if the water wasn't too high?

I had a devious idea as I ran back into my shared room with Law and saw him groggily waking up from his own nap.

"Put this on and meet me and Bepo at the pool." I said throwing a pair of swim shorts that matched my swimsuit, leaving a confused Law watching me speed walk away.

When I got to the poolside, I took my robe off and sat at the edge of the pool, waiting for the two boys to show up.

When the two came, they had the most smug smile I could ever imagine with matching sunglasses. Law held an inflatable tube while Bepo was holding an umbrella, most likely so no one would see him with us.

I face palmed at their antics but giggled seeing them strutting their way to me.

"Oh god, guys, we're supposed to still stay low-key! With you both looking like absolute studs, it's going to be hard!" I stated, stifling a laugh

"S-sorry Miss Y/n!" Bepo said, making the cutest pouting face ever

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. We have the whole place to ourselves unless we call for service. So no one will see you, Bepo." I smile

I saw Bepo sigh in relief as he nudged his captain to say something as he was just there staring at me.

"Cat got your tongue there, Mr. Trafalgar?" I smugly smile

"No." He said now looking away from me. "I've just... I've never seen you... dressed like that." He quietly said

"Oho ho ho! Is Mr. Trafalgar shy?!" I exclaimed, slowly getting up from the poolside. Water dripping off my legs

I could tell Law was trying to look anywhere else but me.

I had a brilliant idea and pulled Law's hand going to the more shallow side of the pool till I.

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now