Chapter 3: Time For Research

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No One's POV

Y/n leads Law into the house to give him a tour him around her home, showing him where the dining room is, kitchen, living room, game room, and small cinema. It was a large house, especially for only one person to be living in...

"Y/n-ya, do you live here on your own?" Y'n looks over to Law, "Yeah, I I'm alone... now." She says with a weak smile. Law notices but decides to just brush it off instead of continuing to question her what she meant by 'now'

Law continues to walk when he stops for a moment feeling guilty he says, "Sorry, I probably shouldn't have said anything." The woman looks at him."No, it's really okay. Don't worry about it. At least now you won't have to worry about anyone seeing you and Bepo here." He nods

"Oh, one more thing, you see that? Don't touch it. That's the only rule I have. I have some really important stuff there." She points up to the attic as he looks at it he notices how close the string to the stairs hang as he has some height compared to y/n "Yeah, I can live with that. But do you have anywhere I can do some research? You know, so I can go back to the rest of my crew?"

Y/n thinks for a while when she sighs, "Ugh, I guess you can use my office if you really need a work space. Just not when I have meetings and DON'T TOUCH MY DOCUMENTS!" He looks at her in a tired way, "Yeah yeah, I understand your rules, Miss. Strict." She looked like steam could come out of her ears."Strict? Are you kidding me? I've been gracious enough, Mr. Traffy, so don't give me sas or you're not gonna get lunch, mister." She pouts as Law smirks to himself.

"Woah, what is this? This looks way more advanced than what I know." As Law slightly nerds out on seeing a laptop given to him by y/n,"It's an old laptop I used to use in school. If you just need to do research to figure out this place and how to go home, you might as well lend it to you so you don't go though my computer." Law shook his head up and down in agreement.

"Captain!!! Cap-CAPTAIN!!!" The large white bear barges into the room running to Law. "Captain, do you feel better now? You aren't gonna die, right? You're okay, right?" Eyes brimming with tears Bepo holds his captain's shoulders checking if he's actually better.

"Bepo-ya, I'm okay. You really need to relax on the worrying you know." Law scolds yet still pats Bepo on the head.

Y/N giggles to herself, seeing the cute exchange of the two heart pirates in her house. She couldn't help admiring Law in how he cares for his crew member, not making them worry for him even though he was so severely injured just a few days ago

Law sits on the dining table with the laptop and asks Y/n to help him figure out how to use Gooble and other search engines

"Have you ever heard of the term isekai?" Y/n asks, Law looks at her with a 'huh?' Look. She chuckles a little and types it out on the computer, and explains it to Law. "So most isekai is from my world to another like this here." she points out a webtoon about it."I highly doubt you were hit by Truck-kun, so maybe a reverse isekai?" She explains with a very serious tone as Law is listening to her attentively.

"So what you're saying is, because I used my power in such a weakened state, I unintentionally transferred me and Bepo-ya in a different dimension?" She turns to Law, and close eye nods. When she opens her eyes, she notices just how close they were her eyes go wide as she clears her throat and turns back to the laptop.

"It would make sense, you know. Especially because of the dire situation you were in against Teach. You needed to find a place to recuperate, but that's impossible in the middle of the sea. So you ended up here." She continues as she continues to scroll through gooble

Law leans back on his seat and groans. "I see, that's perfectly logical. You know Y/n-ya, you would be a hell of a crew member if you came with me." He smirks, but he notices her butt as she is still technically standing and just bent forward to help a little. He has a devious smile. "You may be strict as hell, but I didn't know you had such a nice ass."

Y/n goes red. redder, then a stop sign. "H-ha ha yeah, right," she stutters as she straightens up. "I-I'll go and make some f-fried fish and r-rice. You stay here." She speed walks to the kitchen, almost bumping into Bepo "OH BEPO! CO-COME HELP ME COOK!" She grabs the bears arm as she drags him to the kitchen with her "Captaiiinnnn~" Bepo yells out to Law as he fades goes to the kitchen.

Law giggles at the silliness of the two and is a little surprised at how close the two have gotten in the last few days together. Out of curiosity, Law thinks of a possibility that the One Piece also exists in this different dimension that he and Bepo landed on. He types.

Search One Piece Location

Sure, it was a childish search, but he had high hopes, but as he clicked enter, the most shocking thing came up. Not the location no, shop pictures of Strawhat and his crew, figures, manga. It was as if everything was thrown in his face. 'What the hell is all of this?' he thought pissed off. He closed the laptop and tried not to think about it. "She better give me a good excuse for this crap." He mutters to himself.

He grips the laptop hard but thinks about it a little more. "I'll hold off my questions for now... I need to figure out some stuff beforehand anyway." He huffs as he stands he hears a loud "Food's ready! Let's eat Law!" He relaxes a little as he goes to where Bepo and Y/n are 'I want to enjoy this just for a little bit longer,' he thinks to himself.

Chapter 3 End be Continued...

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now