Chapter 27: Please Protect me

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Y/n's POV

It's one day before Mr. Akainu's office party. Or whatever he actually has planned. I know I need protection not only from my creep of a boss but also from my bitch of a colleague... Rin.

The real dilemma is, how am I going to persuade Law without him going all too overly protective because of Mr. Akainu's creepy tendencies.

I see Law reading some history books we borrowed from the library. Man, he sure can be a bit of a stickler. He insisted on knowing more about the modern world, so I had no choice.

I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his neck lovingly. "Hello, my hot fictional boyfriend."

"Not fictional anymore, Y/n. I'm 100% real. So what's wrong?"

"I didn't say -"

"You only call me 'boyfriend' when you need something. We don't do nicknames Y/n. You and I both know that." He smiled so slyly knowing exactly why I even came to him.

I puffed up my cheeks. "Fine. You got me Law, will you please do me a favour?"

"Hm?" He hummed as if saying, 'What is it?'

"Will you come with me to my work party? I- I really don't want to be alone." I said as fast as I could

Law raised a brow at my actions and crossed his arms. "Is it because of that dumbass boss you got? Mr. Dumbass? Whatever his name was." I could practically see him roll his eyes.

"Well, yes and no... it's not just him. I want to stir clear of..." I fiddled with my shirt looking down. Embarrassment filling me. I felt slightly pathetic not being able to fight my own battles. Needing my damn overpowered boyfriend to protect me.

Law scrunched his eyebrows and then slowly put his hand to his head. "So someone else other than your boss is harassing you? Do you want me to get rid of them?" He lifted his head to look straight into my eyes.

His overprotectiveness would probably be a little overbearing for some people, but honestly, it makes me feel so much more at ease. Maybe because I have always done the protection before with my family and even my ex. Now I feel like I'm getting the princess treatment. It feels pretty nice.

I smile a little. "Not get rid of them. Just get them off my back. You know." I put my hand on his back and gently caress it. I hear and feel his soft breathing. It was somewhat comforting. I feel that he's here. Right beside me, real and alive.

I hear a knock at the door. "Captain? Miss Y/n? Y-you guys aren't kissing or anything, right?"

My face turned a bright shade of pink, and I avoided looking at Law. "N-NO! OF COURSE NOT BEPO!" Unsurprisingly Law and I haven't kissed. Yes, we have cuddled, hugged (well, mostly me hugging him), and held hands at the most. I'm a take-it-slow type of girl. I can't just... initiate it!

The door finally fully opened, and Bepo was sighing in relief. "I should have figured, I never catch you two kissing anyway," Bepo remarked

"BEPO!" I shouted. I felt like I was back in high school, and the other kids are poking fun at me not having my first kiss yet with Morgan.

I looked at Law, and he was in his own world, not looking at me, or maybe he was a little shy, too. I could never really tell.

I rapidly faced Bepo and pointed at him. "As punishment, you're going to help me pick out a dress from my wardrobe!"

Law faced Bepo and me and looked at us with a bored expression. "Are you sure that's a good punishment for him?" Law pointed at Bepo with his thumb."I can practically see stars shining in his eyes."

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now