Chapter 32: Job Hunting

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Y/n's POV

Now completely jobless, I needed to find a new job as soon as possible, or we would all be homeless in no time. The weight of the situation weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I felt a sense of urgency to secure a source of income.

After the chaos that had unfolded at my previous workplace, I knew that finding a job discreetly was crucial. I couldn't risk being recognized or drawing unwanted attention to Law and Bepo, who were also doing odd jobs to support us without being too public.

Searching through online listings and classifieds, I came across a hospital named North Blue Cross looking for a front desk clerk. It seemed like the perfect opportunity-a steady job with regular hours, and it would allow me to make ends meet while keeping a low profile.

With a determined mindset, I polished my resume and prepared for the interview. I knew that putting my best foot forward was essential, and I was willing to do whatever it took to secure the position.

On the day of the interview, I arrived at the hospital, nerves coursing through my veins. I walked into the sleek, modern building, taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart. Confidence, I reminded myself. I had to exude confidence.

As I sat in the waiting area, my mind raced with thoughts of the responsibilities that lay ahead. I had to support not only myself but also Bepo and Law. Failure was not an option.

Finally, my name was called, and I made my way to the interview room. A man maybe around his late 30s or early 40s with long enough blond hair covering his eyes lifted their gaze to meet mine their eyes assessing and questioning. "Hello my name is Rosinante, I will be your interviewer." his assessing gaze softened. a more open and comforting one visible and my tenseness disperses as he asks me questions such as my work ethic and why I chose the North Blue Cross to work in.

I answered their questions with confidence, highlighting my previous experience and emphasizing my dedication to providing exceptional customer service. I made sure to mention my ability to handle difficult situations and remain calm under pressure-a skill I had honed during my time at the previous company.

As the interview came to a close, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. The interviewer seemed impressed with my responses, and I prayed that I had made a positive impression.

Days turned into weeks as I anxiously awaited their decision. The uncertainty was overwhelming, but I refused to let it consume me. I continued to search for other job opportunities, knowing that resilience and determination were the keys to success.

And then, finally, the call came. I had been offered the position as a front desk clerk at the hospital. Relief washed over me, a weight lifted from my shoulders. I had done it-I had secured a job that would provide stability for me, Bepo, and Law.

No One's POV

Y/n was elated when she received the news of her new job. She wasted no time in sharing the update with Law and Bepo, who were equally relieved and happy for her. However, Law couldn't help but express his concerns about her safety, given her past experience with harassment.

"Are you sure it's safe, Y/n?" Law's voice was filled with worry as he glanced over the offer letter from the hospital.

Y/n nodded, understanding his concerns. "I've spoken to the HR department extensively about their policies regarding harassment and safety measures. They assured me that they take these issues seriously and have strict protocols in place."

Bepo, always the optimist, chimed in with encouragement. "Y/n will do great! And if anything happens, she knows we've got her back."

Their unwavering support gave Y/n the confidence she needed to step into her new role with determination and optimism.

On her first day at North Blue Cross, Y/n was filled with a mix of nerves and excitement. The hospital was bustling with activity, and she was eager to dive into her responsibilities.

As she settled into her desk at the front desk, Y/n was immediately faced with challenges-a constant stream of phone calls, patients seeking assistance, and administrative tasks demanding her attention.

The pressure was intense, and doubts crept into Y/n's mind. Could she handle this? Was she capable enough?

But she remembered Law and Bepo's words of encouragement. Taking a deep breath, Y/n dove into her tasks, channelling her inner strength and determination.

Throughout the day, Y/n encountered various situations that tested her patience and skills. Difficult patients, emergency situations, and last-minute changes-are all part of the chaotic environment of a hospital.

But with each challenge, Y/n grew more resilient. She handled each task with professionalism and a calm demeanour, drawing on her past experiences and learning from every situation.

As the day came to a close, Y/n reflected on the trials and triumphs of her first day. It hadn't been easy, but she had proven to herself that she was capable of facing adversity head-on.

Just as she was about to leave for the day, Y/n heard a familiar voice behind her. "Impressive for a first day."

She turned to see Rosinante, her interviewer, standing there with a warm smile. "You handled everything remarkably well, Y/n. I'm glad to have you on board."

His words of praise filled Y/n with pride, and she thanked him sincerely. Rosinante's presence and guidance had made a significant impact on her confidence, and she knew that she had found not just a job but also a mentor in him.

As they chatted briefly, a newfound sense of camaraderie formed between them. Rosinante shared insights and advice, and Y/n listened attentively, grateful for the opportunity to learn from someone experienced in the field.

As she bid farewell and headed home, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism for the future. With Law, Bepo, and now Rosinante by her side she smiled as she drove home.

Y/n's POV

I came home happy as the day turned for the best when Rosinante boosted my mood and with a newfound sense of freedom and new challenges, I looked for my two boys and told them about my first day with so much enthusiasm that I could tell from just one glance that Law was more at ease.

The next day I dove into my new role with a smile on my face. The hospital environment was fast-paced and demanding, but I thrived under the pressure. Through Each New day, I greeted patients with a warm smile, providing them with the support and assistance they needed.

Meanwhile, Law and Bepo continued to work odd jobs, utilizing their unique skills and abilities to contribute to our financial well-being. They did so discreetly, careful not to draw attention to themselves or our unconventional living arrangements.

Together, we formed a team-a family that supported and uplifted one another in our pursuit of a stable and fulfilling life. We faced the challenges that came our way head-on, knowing that with perseverance and unity, we could overcome any obstacle.

As the days turned into months, our circumstances began to improve. The hospital provided a steady income, allowing us to afford a modest home and provide for our daily needs. We weren't living extravagantly, but we had stability, and that was worth more than anything.

It wasn't the life I had imagined, but it was a life filled with love, resilience, and the unwavering support of Law and Bepo. Together, we forged our own path

Chapter 32 End To Be Continued...


(AN: M-Mr Rosi? CORAZON? I'll leave you with that dilemma)

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