Chapter 20: Is This A Date?

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Law's POV

When I woke up earlier than Y/n and went to Bepo's room. Mostly to get ideas on what to do for Y/n to make this last day memorable for her just as much as it was for me and Bepo.

"Bepo. Do you have any idea what Y/n and I could do or go to for her to be happy?" I asked the bear

Bepo groggily looked at me "Captain? Are you... going on a date with Miss Y/n?"

The shock was plastered on my face when Bepo asked me his question. "N-No, I-I just want to have a good time. That's it." I said slightly turning my head away from Bepo

"Oh? Soo~ does that mean I can join too captain?~" Bepo had a mischievous grin on his face

"NO! Well, erm... I wanted to hang out with her alone for the day. That's all..." I said as I crossed my arms still refusing to look at my subordinate.

"Suureee, and this ISN'T a date riiigghttt captain?~"

"No Bepo, it isn't a date."

"Then you two should go to the aquarium together. and maybe eat afterwards" Bepo smiled

I turned to Bepo and thought about his suggestion. "That sounds good. Okay. Thanks Bepo." I said as I got ready for my outing with Y/n

No One's POV

Law's determination to make the day special for Y/n was evident as he prepared for their outing. He wanted her to have a memorable time without letting his nerves get the best of him. As he glanced at the time, he noticed Y/n stirring from her sleep.

"Morning," Y/n greeted, rubbing her eyes as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Morning," Law replied, a touch of nerves in his voice as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Got any plans for today?" Y/n asked a curious glint in her eyes.

"Yeah, I was thinking we could... go out somewhere," Law said, trying to keep his tone casual.

"Go out? Sounds interesting," Y/n replied, raising an eyebrow, intrigued by his suggestion.

Law hesitated for a moment, gathering his courage. "How about we go to the aquarium? I heard it's quite... nice."

Y/n's face lit up with excitement. "That sounds AWESOME! I've always loved aquariums. It's a date then!"

Law's cheeks flushed slightly at her words, but he quickly composed himself. "Right. Let's get ready then."

As they made their way to the aquarium, Law felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He wanted to ensure Y/n had a great time, but he couldn't help but feel slightly out of his comfort zone.

Inside the aquarium, they marvelled at the colourful fish, mesmerized by the underwater world. Y/n's eyes sparkled with delight as she pointed out various species, sharing interesting facts about each one.

Law found himself enjoying the experience more than he had anticipated even if he'd seen plenty of fish in his sub it was somewhat different now especially because he was with Y/n. Y/n's enthusiasm was infectious, and he couldn't help but get drawn into the wonders of the sea creatures around them.

After exploring the aquarium, they stepped out, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow. Y/n glanced at Law with a smile. "That was amazing. Thank you for suggesting it, Law."

He nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

a slight bit of silence till a quiet *growl* was heard...

"Hey, I'm starving Law. How about we grab something to eat?" Y/n suggested, breaking the momentary silence.

Law agreed, and they found a nearby restaurant. 'La Heart Cuisine' ah the irony... Over lunch, their conversation flowed effortlessly like the banter of two friends who've known each other for decades, covering various topics from Law's adventures to their personal interests. Law found himself opening up more than usual, comfortable in Y/n's presence. Even cracking a genuine smile from time to time

As they finished their meal, Law glanced at Y/n, feeling a sense of contentment. "I hope you had a good time today."

Y/n smiled warmly. "I did, Law. Thank you for today. It was... really nice I'm sure that I'll always remember this day forever."

Law's heart skipped a beat at her words, a rare gentle smile gracing his features. "Anytime."

As they walked back to their villa, the evening breeze carried a sense of serenity. Y/n glanced sideways at Law, a soft smile gracing her lips. "You know, Law, today was unexpectedly delightful especially with your grumpy ass sometimes."

Law nodded, his hands tucked in his pockets, his usual composed demeanour slightly softened. "Hah, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wasn't sure how it would turn out."

"You did great," Y/n assured him, nudging his arm playfully. "I mean, I never thought I'd see you cracking smiles like that."

He scoffed lightly, a faint blush tinting his cheeks. "I'm not that stoic all the time."

"I know, I know," Y/n teased, enjoying seeing this side of Law. "But I appreciate it. It was nice to spend a relaxed day with you."

They strolled along the path, the tranquillity of the evening creating an intimate atmosphere. Law glanced at Y/n, feeling a sense of comfort in her presence. "Thank you for coming with me today. I... enjoyed your company."

Y/n grinned, nudging him again. "Oh, don't get all sentimental on me now, Law."

He huffed a soft chuckle, shaking his head lightly. "I'm not being sentimental. Just stating a fact."

Their banter continued, the playful back-and-forth a testament to them growing closer. As they reached the villa, the moonlit sky cast a serene glow around them.

"Well, we're here," Y/n said, stopping at the entrance she hesitated for a moment. "Hey, Law?"

He raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Thanks for today," she said, a genuine warmth in her voice.

Law nodded, his usual composed mask softening for a moment. "You're welcome, Y/n."

Law stood there for a moment longer as Y/n was headed in, the evening breeze ruffling his hair. He felt a sense of contentment he hadn't experienced in a while. Today had been different, and he found himself looking forward to more moments like this, more adventures, and maybe, just maybe, more unexpected connections with Y/n. With a faint smile looking up at the stars, Law then looked back at Y/n's disappearing figure inside the villa as he stared to head in himself, the memory of their day together lingering pleasantly in his mind.

Law felt a sense of accomplishment. The day had gone better than he could have imagined. As they got ready for bed, Law couldn't deny the growing fondness he felt for Y/n, a feeling that went beyond their usual camaraderie. Perhaps, just perhaps, Bepo might have been onto something after all.

Chapter 20 End To Be Continued...


(AN:FINALLY LAW! Took you damn long enough to notice you like the girl GEEZ!

I'll see y'all next week ♡)

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now