Chapter 31: I Quit

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Y/n's POV

It was a new day, a day I felt I would make probably one of my biggest decisions. (Other than becoming the girlfriend of a fictional man)

I needed to get the FUCK out of my toxic work environment.

It's time to QUIT!

I felt I'd built myself to believe that I was indebted to Mr. Akainu, for letting me be his assistant because I needed the money. But I didn't think about how much I really did earn that position. I'm an educated woman. I worked in that company for YEARS before getting that promotion.

I needed to take my rose-coloured glasses off. The amount of emotional abuse and sexual harassment I have gone through in the Family Company was for lack of a better word fucking torture.

It was time, time for change time to get out of the environment I trapped myself into. But first, I needed a BIG exit. A girl needs to release the built-up stress this company gave me.

With determination fueling my every step, I walked into the office building, a fire burning within me. I was sick and tired of the toxic environment, the emotional abuse, and the constant sexual harassment. It was time to expose my boss, Mr. Akainu, for the creep that he truly was.

As I made my way to my desk, I could feel the eyes of my colleagues on me, their curiosity piqued by my determined expression as well as the commotion of the party the night before. I knew that what I was about to do would rock the company to its core, but I couldn't let fear hold me back any longer.

I sat down at my desk, my fingers dancing across the keyboard as I swiftly composed an email. It was a carefully crafted message, detailing the numerous instances of sexual harassment and emotional abuse that I had endured during my time at the company. I provided specific dates, times, and witnesses to support my claims.

But I didn't stop there. I attached screenshots of inappropriate messages sent by Mr. Akainu, proof of his misconduct and complete lack of respect for his employees.

With a deep breath, I hit the send button, watching as the email disappeared into the digital abyss. It was a moment of liberation, a breaking free from the chains that had bound me for far too long.

I knew that the consequences of my actions would be significant. The company would be in chaos, Mr. Akainu's reputation would be tarnished, and there would be no turning back. But I was willing to face it all, knowing that I was standing up not just for myself, but for all the victims of harassment and abuse within the workplace.

As the news of my email spread throughout the office, whispers filled the air. The atmosphere grew tense, and I could feel the weight of anticipation on my shoulders. This was my moment, my chance to bring about change.

Suddenly, the office doors swung open, and Mr. Akainu stormed in, his face flushed with anger. He made a beeline for my desk, his voice filled with venom. "Y/n, what is the meaning of this? How dare you try to undermine me?"

I stood tall, my voice unwavering as I looked him directly in the eye. "Mr. Akainu, I will no longer tolerate your harassment and abuse. I have evidence of your actions, and I have sent it to the appropriate authorities. It's time for you to face the consequences of your actions."

Mr. Akainu's face turned red with rage, his hands trembling with fury. "You can't do this to me! I am in power here! I'm the boss!"

A sense of calm washed over me as I responded, my voice steady and determined. "Your power ends now, Mr. Akainu. Your reign of terror is over, and while I have you here. I QUIT!"

As security escorted Mr. Akainu out of the office, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and accomplishment. The weight that had burdened me for so long was lifted, and I knew that I had made the right decision.

Word of my bravery and the exposure of Mr. Akainu's actions spread throughout the company and beyond. Other victims came forward, sharing their own stories and finding solace in the knowledge that they were not alone. But the most surprising one to step forward with their own story was Rin. Maybe in a different time, we could have been good friends instead of having to be pitted against each other because of our positions.

With the support of my colleagues, we began to rebuild the company, of course with new management implementing new policies and procedures to ensure a safe and respectful work environment for all. It was a long and challenging journey, but one that was necessary for healing and growth.

In the aftermath of my brave act, I found a new sense of purpose. I decided to still leave the Family Company in the end but in the short last week of my employment, I used my experience to advocate for change, speaking out against workplace harassment and empowering others to stand up for their rights.

I knew that I still wanted to be in a completely new environment. there were just way too many bad memories in this building and taking a step forward meant I might need to take a few steps back. Maybe find my true calling

As I walked out of the office building, the sun shining down on me, I felt a sense of freedom and possibility. I knew that brighter days were ahead and that I had the strength to overcome any obstacle that came my way.

As I carry the remaining items from my desk to the car at the front I see Law and an inconspicuous Bepo in the back seat wearing as much black as to cover himself up.

"Thanks for picking me up" I smile as Law takes the box off my hands and puts it in the trunk.

"I'm not letting you be on your own while being in difficult times. You need a new job and Bepo and I need to pick up the slack too. we've been dead weights for way too long." Law was stein but his gentle touch to my cheek says it out of concern.


I whip my head to the back seat of the car from outside and see a non-audible Bepo giggling at his new picture. I slightly shake my head and get into the passenger seat as Law drives while arguing with Bepo to throw the picture away.

Chapter 31 End To Be Continued...


(AN: NO MORE MR. AKAINU AND RIN!!! Can I get a Woop Woop?)

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now