Chapter 5: Let Me Explain

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Y/n's POV

I rushed out the house, trying to mind my loudness to not wake up Bepo as Law just watched me speed out the door.

I know I have a lot of explaining to do once I get back home. I know I can't keep this a secret from him. I do feel a little regretful. I gave him that laptop now, but he looked so cute nerding out about it.

I get in my car as I drive to the office, man it's been a few days now since I've gone back.

I took my vacation days a day before Law, and Bepo popped up in my backyard. Call it a lucky coincidence on both sides, i had time to take care of all the One Piece merchandise cluttered in my room, I got to visit Law while he was in the hospital and I even hung out with Bepo telling him stories I knew from watching One Piece.

It was like having someone to completely nerd out with. A passion I've been keeping dear to my heart.

But now I'm back in the hell of my reality. Fuckin work.

I got out of my car going into the large, tall glass building in front of me, as I took the elevator up to the 31st floor.

"Good morning, Miss. L/n. You're an hour late."

"I apologize, Mr. Akainu. It won't happen again."

"I'll let it slide this one time, but no exemptions next time, Miss. L/n."

I sigh as I go to my office next to the CEO. Dread on my face as I begrudgingly sat down on my chair to check paperwork.

I hate my job.

It was an ironic coincidence that Mr. Akainu had the same name as that pain in the ass admiral in One Piece, but worst of all, he had that creepy ass face Doflamingo has. It honestly just made me connect to the story a whole lot more.

But this job was a necessity. I didn't want to go back to him. I don't know if my heart could take it. This job was my ticket to escape, get my life together, and find peace.

It didn't matter if I liked my shitty job or not. It made great money. Mr. Akainu was just another hurdle to overcome. It makes it easier that I only have to see his ugly mug for an hour or so to just give papers and set up meetings.

'I wonder how the two heart pirates are doing at home.' The thought kept poking in my head. Man, I'm starting to get attached to them.

I take my lunch in my small cramped office as everyone else leaves together for the cafeteria. I've always been alone.

"Miss. L/n make sure to get this paperwork done before you leave for the day." Mr. Akainu demanded.

"Yes, sir."

I look at my lunch. Slowly shoveling in the rice to my mouth with my left hand as I look over paperwork on my right. It's the same thing every time I'm here. Same routine. Same shitty tasks.

I finished the paperwork and set it nicely on the bosses table for him to check once he got back. I take my belongings and go and wait at the elevator. As two older female coworkers wait alongside me.

"I can't wait to get promoted soon."

"Girl, what makes you think you're getting promoted any time soon?"

Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now