Chapter 17: Vacation?

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No One's POV

Eventually, Y/n settled on a private jet service that seemed accommodating toward pets and made the necessary bookings on her way home from the stress of work.

When she arrived home, she was greeted by both Bepo and Law, showing off how they cleaned and even cooked dinner for her. and as if like magic, she felt the weight and burden of the events in the office lift off of her as she saw the two proud faces of the Heart Pirates.

Y/n clasped he hands together, ready to surprise the two with more adventure in the modern world with the best accommodations for them.

Of course, she knew the main reason they were going on this vacation was for her own selfish needs in wanting to distract herself and to get away from her creep of a boss. She just needed her support system and the people who make her happy close to her to come to this trip with her.

"Guys! I have some really exciting news!" She perked up

"We're going on a vacation! More specifically, We're going to V/p!!! We're gonna be flying there, too!"

Bepo had a shocked expression as if he was hearing the coolest thing in the world as Law smiled, thankful that they'd be able to leave the house and freely explore somewhere new. Just like old times sailing at sea.

With that done, she hurriedly packed her bags, including essentials for her getaway, as well as telling the boys to pack up anything they deemed as necessities.

Y/n's excitement was infectious as she bustled around the house, ensuring everything was in order for their trip. Bepo eagerly shuffled around, packing clothing as well as his now beloved camera and snacks, while Law calmly sorted through his belongings, selecting a few essential items without much fuss. given they were pirates. Law was used to having light baggage.

As they prepared for the journey, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and anticipation. The thought of leaving behind the stresses of work and spending quality time with her two beloved characters filled her with so much joy.

After packing, they headed to the airport, where the private jet was waiting for them. While in route to the airport, she couldn't shake the guilt about leaving Violet in the same uncomfortable situation she was fleeing from. She made a mental note to address it once she returned from her break

Arriving at the airport, Y/n felt a mix of excitement and nervousness about the trip and looking to the side she also saw Bepo just as excited as she was, his eyes wide with wonder as they boarded the plane. Law, as usual, maintained his composed demeanor, but there was a subtle glimmer of contentment in his eyes. He was always great at hiding his eagerness. But knowing they were departing on a well-deserved break made him a bit happy.

As the plane took off, Y/n leaned back in her seat, finally feeling a sense of relief and anticipation for the upcoming vacation. She was determined to make the most of this break, even if it meant dealing with the complexities of traveling with not-so-ordinary companions.

During the flight, Y/n couldn't contain her enthusiasm, eagerly discussing the various activities they could do in V/p. She had researched extensively in the flight. She was aiming to make this trip a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone, something Y/n wanted Law and Bepo could never forget and maybe tell even their comrades back in the One Piece universe.

Bepo listened intently, nodding with excitement to the ideas of activities and places to go to as Law calmly nodded along, occasionally interjecting with practical suggestions or insights. Y/n smiled, grateful for their company and their willingness to indulge her in this impromptu and spontaneous adventure.

Y/n's POV

Getting our bags and stuff delivered to our private suite was the smartest thing I could have done to keep people from seeing the suspicious looking fluffy white bear with us.

Everything I planned out was mostly private areas, so Bepo and Law weren't too much of a problem to handle, but when we arrived at the Villa, there were only two rooms.

As much as the staff were aware, there would only be two humans in the room. They didn't really know a bear would be snuck up to the villa.

My eyes darted to Law as if it was the most natural thing to do. Well, we have slept in the same bed more than once... though Bepo is basically a ginormous teddy bear...

I smiled to myself as I grabbed onto Law's arm and pulled him along to the largest room. "We can sleep here. Bepo will get the other room." I smiled.

I heard Law hum an agreement. While I unpacked my stuff for the week.

Honestly, with my mind full of thoughts about what my boss had dome, it completely slipped my mind that I may be making Law uncomfortable with how I'm treating him. Am I being too much by suggesting for us to share a room? Should I have just let him stay with Bepo instead?

A pang of guilt hit me, and I walked over to Law and tapped him gently on the shoulder. "I-If you want, I can move to the other room instead, and you can sleep wirh Bepo..."

Law looked at me with furrowed brows and sighed. "Y/n-ya, it's fine. We can sleep in the same room. We've done it before it's nothing new." He said with a deadpan

I nod my head slow. Still pretty unsure if this situation is appropriate. Especially with what happened not too long ago.

But I trusted Law was okay with everything because he said so... and because he didn't harbor any of the same feelings I have for him.

I lay on the large bed and think about how this week would pan out, and all I can do is make the goofiest smile as I think about how this week would be perfect.

Law layed down beside me, probably exhausted after the jetlag. He was used to traveling, but not by plane. It was different from sailing or rather being in a submarine, that's for sure. I see him slowly drifting off to sleep, yet all I can do is admire him.

Maybe it was different from when I was just watching him in the anime and reading about him in the manga. He really did make my heart skip a few beats whenever I saw him like this. Comfortable and relaxed.

I knew he was a pretty rough around the edges kind of guy in the manga and anime, but he was genuinely pretty sweet whenever it counted and protective whenever I was uncomfortable with someone. It was like he always read my mind.

It makes me wonder if that's one of his powers from his devil fruit, or I'm just too easy to read sometimes... but he, he is my comfort too.

I scootch over a little closer to Law, close enough to graze his arm and look up at the ceiling. I understood how I felt now. But am I really ready to abandon everything I've accomplished here to go to the dangerous world of One Piece to be with Law?

Chapter 17 End To Be Continued...


(Thank you to everyone for interacting with my story. The comments, the votes. Even addind my silly story to your lists. I really do appreciate it ♡

This is the first ever story I have had, past even 100 vews. In the last few years, I have written on Wattpad. I have deleted and abandoned stories, but I promise to make an ending that you guys could be content with. Sorry for getting all sappy. lol

Here's a picture I drew to make up for being too sappy. Thank you again)

 Thank you again)

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Shambles To a Different World (y/n & Trafalgar D Water Law)Where stories live. Discover now