the beginning

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Me: this event happened when ayanokoji was 9 years old after he defeated 9 professional fighters and Mercenaries as chairman sakayanagi and professor ayanokoji are in a room

Mr. Sakayanagi : sensei... I'd like to give you an advice for your child kiyotaka

Mr. Ayanokoji : what advice is it... There's nothing I need to know for that kid... He's already complete I don't need anything else... He'll be the key for Japan

Mr. Sakayanagi : what about making a good expression for him

Mr. Ayanokoji:what do you mean??

Mr. Sakayanagi : well ones he becomes an adult he might plot on you because of the white rooms treatment and he might not even follows your orders so... How about making a father son relationship with your biological child? You've already taken the child's emotions he's already cold to the heart... He will not be loyal to you without a good relationship

Mr. Ayanokoji : ... I... I can see what you mean... But I don't have time for him plus I don't think he'll give me a chance... But how about you?

Mr. Sakayanagi : pardon?

Mr. Ayanokoji : you and I know that kiyotaka already surpasses the white so how about you... Take care of him for me... Your a chairman of the ANHS
If you can't get his emotions back with a relationship of a family there's only one option left...when he becomes a teenager you can enroll him so he can gain his emotions back

Mr. Sakayanagi : I... Think I can do that but... I don't know if my wife would want to have kiyotaka as our child... But I'll try to convince her... But my daughter Arisu would definitely try to convince her mother ever since I brought her here she can't stop talking about that boy in the other glass... She sees kiyotaka as gold in a pile of iron

Mr. Ayanokoji : good I think this should do

*two months later kiyotaka Ayanokoji arrived at the Sakayanagi residents as he was welcomed by Mr and Mrs Sakayanagi and their child as kiyotaka bows in respect*

Kiyotaka : thank you Mr sakayanagi for bringing me to the outside world

*as expected kiyotaka said those heart warming words with a cold tone and expression as Mr.Sakayanagi smiles*

Mr. Sakayanagi : well your welcome kiyotaka to your new home... You can treat us as your new family

Kiyotaka pov *his acting skills are Mediocre at best... His extention are still not clear for me... Well I guess this is my new home now*

Mr. Sakayanagi : well I guess I should introduce you to my family since you already know me I don't need to introduce myself... This is my wife and this is my daughter... You can treat me as your father and you can treat my wife as your mother and you can treat my daughter as your sister ok

Kiyotaka pov *is he trying to... Make me close to him and his family?... I don't see anything else possible for my situation right now if he and the white room wanted me to do something they wouldn't just allow me to be this free and if they want me to do something for them they would also put a gourd with me to monitor my every movement...this is the first time I've ever been...confused??*

Mr. Sakayanagi : well let's get in its getting cold out here

*Mrs.Sakayanagi went closer to kiyotaka*

Mrs. Sakayanagi : hello there... I can show you your new room and the rooms of the house how about that?

Kiyotaka : ok... I'd like that... Thank you... "Mom"

Mr. Sakayanagi pov *huh... That's a very fast improvement... This should be a good start*

*ayanokoji looks at Arisu behind Mr. Sakayanagi as he waves as her as Arisu blushes and waves back as kiyotaka and mutters the words*

Arisu : h.. Hi

*Mr.Sakayanagi gets a flash back of Arisu*

*two years ago after Arisu saw ayanokoji for the first time*

Arisu : father...

Mr. Sakayanagi : yes Arisu?

Arisu : can I marry him
*Arisu points at kiyotaka behind the two way glass*

*back to the present*

Mr.Sakayanagi pov* oh dear god... Please not my innocent Arisu......but this is a good start...its good that nothing is awkward for now*

*time skip to seven years later kiyotaka and Arisu are now sixteen years old*

Mr. Sakayanagi : kiyotaka can I talk to you

Kiyotaka : yes is there anything wrong Mr.sakayanagi

*explaination ayanokoji did not wanted to call Mr and Mrs Sakayanagi
Mom and dad becomes he sees it as an informal attitude even though Mr sakayanagi insist that it's fine for ayanokoji to call him dad and "his personality has also change but only a bit because of his new environment" Keep that in mind*

Mr. Sakayanagi : well I want you to join the advance nurturing highschool (ANHS) in the next month

Kiyotaka : ok... Why do I feel that your going to give me an important task

Mr. Sakayanagi : well... Your right... I'll explain it

*Mr.Sakayanagi explains to kiyotaka that he decided to change the school roles and added a new class... (Class S) and ayanokoji will be tested by the school board members by sending him to class d and help class d progressionto be at the same level of class a after that his real identity will be revealed and he's school life might be hard but it'll be fun and hopefully kiyotaka can gain his emotions back*

Kiyotaka : well I guess that's not that bad... Sure I accept

Kiyotaka pov *"sigh" this will be a pain*

*Arisu came out of nowhere and interrupted them*

Arisu : well I guess this will be a fun challenge

Kiyotaka : why do I feel like your going to make things harder for me

Arisu : well I always lose to you in every challenges like chess and math equations so... I want to make another bet

Mr.sakayanagi : what bet is that?

Arisu : well if ayanokoji fails in the first year... His identity as a class S student will be revealed... And how about me and you go on a... Date

Kiyotaka : what?

Mr. Sakayanagi pov *oh dear god no!... You must be kidding me*

Arisu : hey father your making that face again... We're already teenagers so you don't need to be overprotective

Me: hey guys this is my first story so I'll expect a lot of mistakes and I hope you guys comment my mistakes so I can improve and I only watched a few episodes of classroom of the elite so there will be a lot of misconception and misspelling of names but still... Thank you for reading this far I hope you guys enjoyed 🥰🥰🥰 I'll be updating this for 1-2 days each base on my mood but I promise the max rest day will be just 2 days

-posted on October 15 2023

Chapter 1

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