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*as all the first year students were in their busses to their new exam...the ultimate individual exam*

Time : 1:00pm

*as they arrived to mountain side with 7 huge buildings*

Ayanokoji POV :*I've already memorized the area and it's formation yesterday... Each building has a purpose... The West side is our dormitory and it's also the biggest building in the area, it's definitely big enough to be occupied by all the first year while the Southwest is our training area that's also where the cafeteria is located... While the other buildings are the challenger buildings for competition of the first year students... And this is where everyone will be training for two months and an additional one month for the challenges*
Me : the reason why only the first year are the only ones who are attending this exam is because of Ayanokoji being the first ever class-S student in all of the Advance Nurturing High school's/ANHS history hence the second year and the third year's won't be attending it only the First year students... I hope that cleared some questions
*as the students got off the busses*
Sudo : this place is amazing!

Ike : hey let's go hiking later!

Yamauchi : hey don't forget about me!

Ayanokoji POV :*these childish traits will definitely lead you three to fail... Such meaningless existence*

Chabashira : hey no hiking only training!

The three idiots : awwwww...

Ayanokoji : "sigh" Well I guess I'll just go to my dorm already... I need to shower before training...

*as Ayanokoji went to his dormitory*

*as Ayanokoji lays on his bed*

Ayanokoji POV :*this isn't right... Something's definitely wrong... This is the Advance Nurturing High School... This exam isn't just to test my capabilities... This school's sole purpose is to nurture all students as capable individuals... There's a hidden purpose in this exam... And I'll uncover it.......... First... Tsukishiro... He said he'll monitor me on the island exam but Shiro was already doing it... He had another reason to be there and now this exam seems to focus solely on me... Which does not make any sense... This exam must have another purpose...... Strange... *

*as Ayanokoji receives a notification on his phone*

Deer students this notification is from the organizers here to help and guide you for each round for the challenges and this purpose is mainly to notify everyone.
Tomorrow at 10am we'll begin the first assessment and training so everyone should familiarize the surroundings first because it's still pretty early the time is still 1pm... After getting used to it you can do anything freely but please do not trash the area and everyone should be asleep at 10pm.

Ayanokoji : interesting... Well I've already familiarized the area so I don't have anything to do outside... But I guess I don't have anything to do here either... Well I'll just clean my room first then I could go out
Time : 1:40pm

after cleaning his dorm Ayanokoji went outside to explore the challenger buildings*

Ayanokoji POV :*just as I expected... Each building is truly different from each other... Building "1" Is a swiming area with three floors while building "2" Is a... Musical area?... I didn't read that in the rulebook... Well it's filled with some classical pieces... Building "3" Has a stadium in each floor for martial arts competition building "4" Is a sport area and is also the smallest it just contains the equipment of each sport and some board games... While building "5" Is just an average building with a professional kitchen and an arts and craft on the other floor... While building "6" Is just our dormitory and building "7" Is our training area and cafeteria...*
Tsukishiro : you seemed like your deep in thought... What's wrong Kiyotaka?

Ayanokoji :...oh it's you... Sir Tsukishiro-

Tsukishiro : "sir" Oh what's this are you being formal to me? How Hilarious

Ayanokoji : I'm only doing it because your my elder... Now let's stop fooling around... Something is definitely off

Tsukishiro : what do you mean by that?

Ayanokoji : of please don't act dumb to me. In the island exam you said you were there to monitor me... Shiro was already doing that... Second this school's main objective is to nurture every student but why is this exam seemingly focusing on me... Third this place is very big which would've taken years to build but here I we are... Only the first year's are the one who are being tested here... Which means this place was already built before I was enrolled here... Everything is so off you must have another reason or objective... Tell me... What's your objective here?

Tsukishiro :... You really are incredible aren't you...

Ayanokoji : oh please this was so easy to notice Manabu and Arisu probably already noticed it

Tsukishiro : you might be right...

Ayanokoji : just answer me already you "old gezer" There's no way this is all a coincidence...

Tsukishiro POV :*well where did the formality go?*

Tsukishiro : ok first of all this individual exam will also nurture the other students so why are you even questionin-

Ayanokoji : you may be right but that doesn't explain the "coincidence" Of this building being built the same year as I enrolled

Tsukishiro : "sigh" You really want to know the reason?... Fine............
-uploaded on Jan 11 2024

Chapter 37

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