Revelation 2.0

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Yuki : hey you two should stop fighting now

Shiro : I mean could you blame me Yuki!? I lost so much weight I suffered for two days in one position

Yuki : then just eat I'm pretty sure this ship has more than enough to feed thousands of people... Or is it not enough for you? *said mockingly*

Shiro : are you calling me fat!?

Yuki : nooooo... But you did...
*as they continue to argue and mock/teas each other*
Ayanokoji POV :*well... It's just like the old times "giggles" It's good to see them pretty happy...*
*suddenly Tsukishiro enters the room*

Yuki : Mr Tsukishiro!? W-what are you doing here?

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Yuki : Mr Tsukishiro!? W-what are you doing here?

Ayanokoji : I was wondering where you were

Tsukishiro : really now? Why's that?

Ayanokoji : oh I don't know maybe because it's quite suspicious?

Tsukishiro : hm me? Suspicious?

Ayanokoji : well you said you're going to monitor me...

Tsukishiro : yes exactly and I am monitoring you is there a problem kiyotaka?

Ayanokoji : if my father wanted to monitor me he would've just sent another agent or just made Shiro do it... And still he made you do it so... This "monitoring" Must mean something else...

Tsukishiro : ok fine... There is another reason why I'm here...

Ayanokoji : and that reason is?

Tsukishiro : Ayanokoji please I am not that naive to tell you my real mission

Ayanokoji :... Fine... So why are you here anyway?

Tsukishiro : I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory and how you fooled everyone...

Ayanokoji :... I can see that you want to laugh don't you...

Tsukishiro : I mean don't blame me I'm not the one who made everyone think I was (Bigfoot) when I heard what you did I burst out laughing at how...

Ayanokoji : how what?

Tsukishiro : how foolish it was and how naive and childish the idea was! *Tsukishiro bursts out laughing*

Ayanokoji : "sigh" anything else?

Tsukishiro : yeah there's one more thing... You stabbed yourself ? That's really amazing... Or overboard just to fool some children

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