back to school

361 10 5

*one week later as the students got back to school*
*at the school students gathering*
*as Manabu went to the stage*

Manabu : good afternoon to all the year one students that just got here from the island exam, I'm Manubo Horikita the student Council President, some of you might remember me from the entrance ceremony a few months ago... Well let's go to our topic... The island exam... Everyone did amazing... Especially class-S Ayanokoji Kiyotaka... It was unexpected how he delivered his plan... It was an unusual plan but it worked and even cancelled the exam itself... Out of all the class class-S did the best performance......
Now let's go to our new topic... Another school event... This school will even be called... The ultimate individual... this exam's purpose is to test each and every student whether they are useless or useful for their class so for those students that have been carried by their class you better start training because this will start in the next two months and it will last for three weeks or 21 days... The rules are... Each student will be put in a group where the other members will be your competitors and your abilities are equal to the other members... You have to challenge those members at physically or academically and you'll be rewarded 1 point if you win, if you lose you will not receive any points... Each class has approximately 40+ students and the challenge time Will be arrange by the organizers... Each student will definitely receive 10 challenge exams with other competitors in the span of those three weeks... The students with the most wins will be announced as the best individual in their class so everyone better start training... There will be 8 groups in total with 20 students from other classes... The lowest group will be the worst students with little to no capabilities... While the highest group will be the best students with the best capabilities...
As for you... Kiyotaka Ayanokoji...since you're alone in the class-S your points will be x40 so it's fair to you...compair it to other classes they can get up to 400 points so you'll definitely have the same chance but a higher risk since if you fail you'll not receive 40'll also lose that chance so your in a disadvantaged...and You'll be put in another group... I believe you already know them... That groups name will be... The Generational Geniuses... Those students are... Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, Arisu Sakayanagi, Ichika Amasawa and Yagami Takuya...
Ayanokoji POV :*so that's why Tsukishiro gave me the note... It was just to let me know about them going to this exam against me...*
Manabu : now for those who are questioning who those two students are... I have a note and I pretty much do not understand it's context and I was only ordered to say it out loud so please... Do not give me any questions... Those two students are one year younger than you first year so they are 15 years old... They are from the same... School? That Ayanokoji was from this school has an acceptance rate of 0.1 percent... Which means that if 1000 people wanted to enroll there... Only 1 will get accepted and... The average IQ of those enrollies... Are... 160?! Ok and only one got accepted... Geez so this school is basically for generational geniuses only... Ayanokoji is from the fourth generation and only he passed it... While the competitors are from the fifth generation Ichika Amasawa and Yagami Takuya so your basically their sempai... Well this is going to be interesting...... Now every student will be given another rule book so please read it throughly so you know all the rul-

Ayanokoji : I've already read it...

Manabu : w-what?... But we only gave it to the students an hour ago...

Suzune POV :*he... He didn't waste any time and just read it? Is he seriously that productive?... He... He's a true model student... I should've read it too... Damn*

Ayanokoji : from what I've read on page 57... If another student has disadvantaged in the group they can be given points by other members who would like to... Or they can team up... So I would like to team up with Arisu Sakayanagi...

Manabu :... Well yes that is allowed... Fine you can team up with your girlfriend...

Arisu : that's quite sweet of you Ayanoloji... Well are you sure? There's another rule under that...

Ayanokoji : of course I've read it... We'll split the points... But I don't care...the highest possible point we can gain is 410...If we win 410 points we'll split it 50:50 so you'll receive 205 and I'll receive 205...

Arisu : but it will definitely make you last place while class-A will be in first place

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Arisu : but it will definitely make you last place while class-A will be in first place...... Hey it's fine I'm only one student out of the 47 students of class-A so it's fine if we don't team u-

Ayanokoji : no... It's fine... Ok I'd rather fail this exam than for me not to help you... So please... Let's team up

 Let's team up

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Arisu :

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Arisu :... Ok fine your way too sweet to say no to...

Everyone's POV :*
"such a sweet talker..."

"Damn... I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach..."

"Are they the perfect couple or something?"

"Man stop being so lovie dovie... I'm blushing too much~"
-uploaded on January 1
I hope i can upload this chapter on January 1 at 0:00-0:01 am exactly at new year........ I hope everyone here has a good year and I hope that everyone will have a great new year for them... Take care of yourself and always be happy I'm really happy that some peace read my novel thank you all for your support... This novel is 11 weeks old and the first chapter was made and uploaded on October 15 but it had a glitch so it says it's October 16 but it's definitely October 15... Once again I thank everyone here for reading this novel I hope everyone here the best of luck in life... Thank you for being here... And happy new year...

Chapter 36

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