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Albert : did you really find a loophole!?

*as the organizers chatted about this matter and agreed that what Ayanokoji did was fair and didn't violate any rules in the rule book*

Organizer #1 : after evaluating Ayanokoji kiyotaka's stunt we did not find any violations in the rule book hence his actions was fair

Organizer #2 : further questions be unanswered because his actions was clearly fair and didn't break any rules

Organizer #3 : everyone should rest now this conversation is dismissed

Ryuen : dismissed?! No I'm not accepting this!

Ayanokoji : the only reason why your not accepting your loss because I made you look like a fool

Ryuen : You!.... Tsk...

Ayanokoji : you what? Hm? You were saying?

Organizer #2 : hey you two! stop this matter now the exam is over

Ibuki : stop tormenting Ryuen, Ayanokoji you'll just make him more angry

Ayanokoji : that's the whole point

*Ayanokoji grins as he walked away*

Sudo : ok are we seriously going to ignore the fact that Ayanokoji stabbed himself?

Chihiro : h-he's a mad man...

Ichinose : how did he even conceived of this plan... He went too far... I mean stabbing yourself just to fool and manipulate us...?

Chihiro : T-thats too much...

Horikita POV :*did he seriously pretended to be Bigfoot just to fool class C and cause havoc?... That plan just sounds so childish and extreme at the same time... How well is his pain tolerance to take a knife and stab himself...?*

*at class A*

Katsuragi :... he really went that far just to obtain victory...?

Arisu : what can I say... My boyfriend is just that capable

Masayoshi : Arisu that's not the point! He literally stabbed himself?! He's a madman no one in their right mind would do that to just obtain one victory!?

Masumi : Masayoshi!... Manners your making a scene...

Masayoshi :.... You're right... I'm sorry for shouting...

Arisu : no it's fine your questions are understandable...

Masumi : yeah... Is Ayanokoji really desperate enough about this exam that he'd stab himself just to win? Why though?

Arisu : Ayanokoji... He grew up with multiple phrases and one mentality... Do you guys want to hear it? It's quite long

Katsuragi : of course we'd want to hear it

*as other students focused their attention to Arisu to find out what kind of mentality Ayanokoji has*

Horikita POV :*Ayanokoji's mentality?... That interesting*

Arisu : ok his mentality is like chess...that's because of these phrases......i think it goes like this...(you must remember this... To have great power and you refuse to use it to your advantage... Is something only a fool would do)...

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