demons of the fourth generation

477 13 4

Shiro : ready for round two ayanokoji?

*as ayanokoji looked at Shiro with a grin and cracked his knuckles*

Ayanokoji : oh I'm always ready

*as ayanokoji and Shiro were in the ring warming up the other students just sat out side of the ring waiting for some action*

Ichinose : ayanokoji himself said that Shiro is capable enough to be a class S student... How well can he fight against ayanokoji?

Sudo : ayanokoji knows a lot of martial arts... He beaten up 3 class C students with ease... But I have a feeling he might be more serious

Horikita :... I want to see what it takes to be a class S student at a physical standard

*as the fight started Shiro ran towards ayanokoji and delivered a spinning left back kick as ayanokoji blocked it Shiro uses the momentum to place his left leg at a steady position and his right leg now about to perform a roundhouse kick. Ayanokoji blocked it once more and grabbed Shiro's leg and spun him around before throwing him to the opposite corner*

*as Shiro got up*

Shiro : quite aggressive of you.don't you think ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji : me aggressive? I think your the one whose more aggressive

Shiro : heh well I guess I'll be more aggressive and y-

*before Shiro could even finish his sentence ayanokoji ran to him and kick him to the direction of the ground but Shiro managed to dodge it once ayanokoji's foot made contact with the boxing ring floor it didn't made a dent... It made a massive hole!? *

Me : ayanokoji was able to do that much damage because his strength surpasses that of a human if you research his strength he can destroy a full metal elevator with a kick that uses 30 % of his strength

*as the students and teachers gasp and stands up to get a better look on the damage Shiro laughed*

Shiro : look at you... You've just made a commotion the students and teachers are probably questioning how you did that with such little muscle capacity exposed *giggle*

Ayanokoji : "sigh" Let's just finish this

*ayanokoji sprinted towards Shiro and made a body gesture that he was going to throw a punch. As Shiro blocked an unexpected turn happed ayanokoji didn't throw a punch but only faked it and spun his body and side kicks Shiro to the liver*

Shiro : aackkkk! Dammit... Jeez liuz you didn't have to do that... I give up

Ayanokoji : just like I said we should finish this quickly... Come on let's go to the infirmary

*as ayanokoji got down with Shiro*

Koenji : well that was just as expected from you ayanokoji... You should be grateful for receiving a complement from me to your strengt-

Ayanokoji : I don't need your complement you narcissist

Hirata : ok ok you should go to the infirmary now ayanokoji

*as ayanokoji and Shiro left the students and teachers got closer to the ring to get a better look at the hole*

Horikita : how in the world did he do that... This ring isn't some low quality board... This is a champion ship quality... This should be able to stand hundreds and hundreds of weight...

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