"day 1"

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*the next day*

*as all the classes are lined up on the island an announcer with a megaphone went to the front*

Announcer : ok some of you already know the rules but some didn't read the instructions so im here to explain. The five classes from class-S to class-D will be spread across the island some are near the other classes and some are far from other classes your mission is to cooperate with your class members and survive this. this island exam will test your survival skills with other classmates and your other mission is to sabotage other classes without getting caught the judges will have footage from your monitories and will give their opinion for the cooperation progress and how fast the progress is the maximum points given by one judge is 100 and we have 4 judges further questions you must read the rules in the rulebook, tomorrow morning at 5:00 am the island exam will start immediately. now just be ready for tomorrow and remember this island exam will last up to two weeks so cooperate with your class mates ok that's all

*as the announcer left and each class leaders with their assistants just went to have a meeting separately and make a plan on how they can make their class more civilized and how to sabotage the other classes. While ayanokoji just walked alone in the sea shore*

Ayanokoji POV :*they will be judging the speed of the progress... I have a disadvantaged because my progress will definitely be much more slower since I am alone.. I will be able to make a camp just for me but the other classes will definitely make a much better than me some classes have at least 40-50 students while I'm alone..
The best way to win is me making a hidden camp and at the last day I'll sabotage the other classes... But I know that class B and class D will team up so they'll have some plus points from the judges for cooperating... This will definitely be a challenge to me since I've trained them every day except Friday but still they're physically active now... I know that Ichinose have a plan and will share it to class d*

*the next day/day 1 of the island exam*

*as each class was separated from the starting point and was placed at different coordinates like from the North,south,east,west and went looked for a good camp site*

*at class B/south side of the island*

Ichinose : ok guys you know the plan were going to team up with class d we need to go south-west side of the island

Class B : yeeaaahhh!!

Amikura : geez they're quite pumped up for this

Yuki : yeah they are... It's really lively in class b isn't it

Ichinose : your right... In all the other classes class b is the most lively

*at class D/west side of the island*

Hirata : ok so let's go to the South-west class B must be heading there now

Yamauchi : are we seriously going to stay here for two weeks?! This is a madness I don't know if we could even survive for a week!

Sudo : your the only one who can't survive for a week the rest of us can survive for two weeks

Yamauchi : are you calling me weak?!

Sudo : we literally had training from ayanokoji during Thursday's

Yamauchi : yeah yeah I'm just saying two weeks is a long time you know!

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