reputation is EVERYTHING

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*about two months after Ayanokoji joined the students council*




*in the student Council room as two male students are having a conversation alone*

Nagumo : hand you the position of vice president?

Ayanokoji : precisely

Nagumo : ha! Why would I do that? Horikita-senpai will graduate in a few weeks and I'll be the next president so why should I give you my position?

Ayanokoji : well I have a proposal if you're willing to listen

*Nagumo grins and raises an eyebrow*

Nagumo : go on

Ayanokoji : as of right now you have full control of the year two students who will graduate as Class-A by which class will be paying you the most, right?

Nagumo : yes... And I need to be the student Council president to do that. Are you dumb? Pointing out my main goal as you're trying to take my position WHEN i need that same position

Ayanokoji : first of all I'm not dumb second of all let me finish... I'll be handling the year two student and their payments on being class-A and I'll give you 60% of the payments... In short you'll have no work to do and get to enjoy your school life with possibly millions of private points

*Nagumo's eyes slightly widened as a sinister smirk appear*

Nagumo : you really are interesting kid... That's why Horikita-senpai favors you so much... Deal I'll be stepping down

*Ayanokoji pulled out a document form for the deal they just made*

Nagumo : you came prepared... You really are interesting... It's ashame we weren't on the same year... I would've enjoyed having you as my competitor...






*after Manabu Horikita finished his amazing speech and was resigning as the student Council president Ayanokoji stepped forward after being called*

*some students were murmuring why Ayanokoji was on stage and not Nagumo*

Ayanokoji : good afternoon to all the students... I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka from Class 1-S and I'll be the new student council president... Now I'll set my goals clear... I will change this school's system drastically not to produce geniuses but to produce capable students and individuals before they graduate... That is all thank you

*The murmuring only got stronger and confusion was all over the first year students*

Nagumo POV :*I really cannot get a reading on this guy... He requested to not make a public announcement of me stepping down and him being the new student Council Vice President*







*once in a private room*

Nagumo : Oi Ayanokoji

Ayanokoji : yes?

Nagumo : don't give me that look... Why didn't you make a public announcement about the new positions before Horikita-senpai stepped down?

*Ayanokoji sighs*

Ayanokoji : "are you dumb?"

Nagumo POV :*t-this kid... Hahaha... I should've realized...*

Nagumo : you're making a topic for the talk of the school aren't you? Spreading your reputation for surprisingly becoming the student council Vice President out of the blue from being a secretary... And now the council president...

Ayanokoji : took you long enough... Reputation is what shapes an individual... So getting attention is only a small step to get more control and power...

Nagumo : you really are a genius... Although our contract only states me stepping down in the student Council... But with attention you know the consequences right? With growing power and attention your haters and enemies also grow in numbers...

Ayanokoji : Don't threaten me with a good time... I'd welcome it...

*Nagumo chuckled sinisterly*

Nagumo : how amusing...

*then Manabu entered the room*

Nagumo : well well well... Do you need something senpai?...

Manabu : yes... Answers... What's the meaning of this? Contract?

Nagumo : nothing much really it's on public now so it's pretty obvious

Manabu : Nagumo... I know you very well... You're power hungry and would expel anyone who opposes you... So why give up your position?

Nagumo : hm... Well... I was going to decline Ayanokoji but we had an agreement

*Nagumo looked at Ayanokoji with a smirk and left the room*

Manabu : care to explain Ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji : very well... Basically Nagumo-senpai gave up on the position on conditions of me giving him 60% of the private points given to me by the second years and... Can expel anyone he wants through my orders from the shadows...

Manabu : so he is still power hungry as I thought...

Ayanokoji : yes but I placed a condition where the only students he can expel are on his year not on my year or the next year students... Well Manabu-senpai I did my part of our contract... I took the position of President in exchange of me entering the students council...

Manabu : yeah... Just manage the school well alright?

Ayanokoji : of course...












-uploaded on June 20 2024

Chapter 50

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