"they're way too nice"

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*the next day*

Ayanokoji POV :*so today will be
class b huh... This will be easygoing on there nice attitude but that's what I need them to change... If they keep on being nice they'll fail and survival will be there last option to improve... "Sigh" Psycological test will be my best option... *

*as ayanokoji waited outside class b's room because he'll be teaching them only half of the class hours*

Chei Hoshinomiya : alright everyone just like what I told you guys yesterday ayanokoji kiyotaka the class S student will be tutoring this class each Tuesday and he'll do it for half the class hours but us home room teachers decided that it's best if ayanokoji teaches each class the whole class hour

Ayanokoji POV :*and when did I agree to this!? *

Chei Hoshinomiya : ok so I'll take my leave now and ayanokoji will be your teacher for today I hope you guys cooperate byee

Class b : byee sensei

*as ayanokoji entered with a confused face as he sees half of class b with worried or scared expression*

Ayanokoji : ok whats with the faces... What wrong?

Ichinose : w-well a voice recording of you teaching class C with the chairman.. The whole school already knows how brutal you are and how your training regime when you were six years old and even the chairman didn't even try to deny it so it means it's true...

Ayanokoji : so thats why everyone here is scared.... I want to inform you guys that my teaching for each class is different... For example... Class C is a bunch of trouble makers so my psychological test is that they need to know that they are not the boss and they need to realize that they are not the biggest menace here... I'm stronger than them so they could follow my order's

Ichinose : then how about class b?

Ayanokoji : I'm not supposed to tell you guys but I have no choice... Another psychological test like class C but different... You all are way too nice hence you are always second to class a
So I need to teach you guys about survival... You all need to feel dispare... You all need to realize that this school isn't heaven but hell... No nice people go to the top... Only the once who is the strongest and the smartest and the most desperate to gain authority... So let me ask you guys are you still going to be nice with the other classes? Are you still going to hold your true potential back? Are you still going to be weak?! Are you still going to self sabotage your self until you fall!? or are you going to fight back and be the best version of yourself?... And the best part is...The choice is yours... Only yours.

*with ayanokoji's speech the whole of class b was speechless... His word's were brutal..and painful...But it was nothing but the trueth... There's no denial... Survival is the main goal in this school.*

Ichinose : so how are you going to conduct the psychological test you wanted to us?

Ayanokoji : there's no need for that because it'll be better for you guys to evolve and improve by yourself without my help... So today will be academic and physical so get ready and take out your notebook

*with that everyone calmed down and taken out there notebook*

Ayanokoji : just like class C there will be punishment if you don't give me your full attention.

*class C got worried on what the punishment is... Is it just like class C where ayanokoji would dislocate and relocate your body*

Ayanokoji : don't worry it won't be as brutal as class C... I'll hang you by the rooftop and put you back here so your adrenaline would be "through the roof"

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