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*after a few months of the continued sessions of ayanokoji to each class. Unsurprisingly everyone improved physically academically and some outstanding students mentally*

*Friday‚still at class hours*

*at class d*

Chabashira-sensei : alright listen here all of you... This school will be having a special exam next month... All classes will be tested in a remote island... All classes will be against each other... Which means this is a free for all...

Ike : does that mean... We'll have to go against ayanokoji...

Chabashira-sensei : yes... So will the other classes

Hirata : do we even have a chance?

*with that class d's main concern isn't class C or class a but...
"The sole class S student ayanokoji kiyotaka"*

*meanwhile in class C*

Ryuen : a free for all?!

Kazuma-sensei : yes... A free for all... Class C will be against all other classes. As well as other classes against other classes

Ryuen : that's not the point! your telling me that we'll have to go against ayanokoji!?

Kazuma-sensei : yes. So all of you better be careful and be cautious or else all of you will inevitably fail... So the main concern is ayanokoji

*meanwhile in class b*

Chei-sesei : ok that's all the rules.all of you guys better be ready for next month

Chihiro : so what's the plan Ichinose-san?

Ichinose : well we should do is... *me : no spoilers guys just wait for the exam itself✌*

*meanwhile in class a*
*ayanokoji is also there*

Katsuragi : so what's your plan ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji : well I'll be alone for almost all the time... There are two possible out comes... It's either be Everyone is against me or everyone will stay away from me...but I do have a plan for both scenarios

Katsuragi : oh ok. Well good luck

Ayanokoji : thanks

Arisu : are you going to target a class?

Ayanokoji : base on the situation "sigh"

*an announcement was called off to every class "all classes from class d to class a please head to the gym"*

*as Everyone went to the gym*

*as the teachers lined up and tell everyone the full rules bof the school special exam*

Chairman sakayanagi : and also no physical will be allowed. Once your caught attacking a fellow student you'll be immediately expelled

*chairman sakayanagi looked at ayanokoji*

*as the chairman got down from the stage and let the other teachers explain the rules as the chairman walked towards ayanokoji*

Chairman sakayanagi : ayanokoji... This test is different than the once your used to... So please be more gentle ok

*as chairman sakayanagi whispers to ayanokoji so the other students doesn't hear them*

Chairman sakayanagi : "no killing" Ok

Ayanokoji : chairman... Some students might hear you...

Chairman sakayanagi : ok ok... Well I think this will be easy for you...go easy on them ok

Ayanokoji : sure... POV :*even if I hold back they still can't win... The only way they can have a winning chance is if they team up... That's no gonna happen... And I'll need to literally "not even try" That's the only way they can have a winning chance...*

*as the teachers finally finished explaining the rules everyone can head out now*

*as ayanokoji also is heading out the leaders and some students of class d and class b stopped ayanokoji*

Horikita : so are you going to team up with class a because of arisu Your girlfriend?

Sudo : that's just unfair y-

Ayanokoji : no.

Ichinose : really?

Ayanokoji : arisu doesn't want the easy way out... I know her and she knows me... She wants me to attack class a more than the other classes... She doesn't want to win against other classes but against me..

Hirata : why? That's just counter productive?

Ayanokoji : yeah.. But she doesn't just see me as a lover... But a rival... So don't worry...but don't rest assured because base on the situation I still might target your classes

Kushida : is that a threat?

Ayanokoji : no... It's a promise of a situation... Be ready...

*as ayanokoji heads out*

Horikita : oh well... He is still dangerous even though he won't target us we might still encounter him

*as hirata and horikita looked at ichinose*

Hirata : ichinose-san would you like to team up so both our classes have a better chance?

Ichinose : yes your right. We could team up and I do have a plan...

Kushida : then let's talk at the library so nobody can hear our conversation

*as some class d and b students went to the library*

*at class C*

Ryuen : now our only advantage is our physical capabilities... So we need to use it at full capacity

Ibuki : well you sound more mature than before

Ryuen : obviously we need to take this Matter more seriously if it's with ayanokoji... We have a month to plan... If ayanokoji won't be first place them he'll definitely fall... And the class S will be empty...

Albert : you just want revenge because he beated you up

Ryuen : obviously... It was humiliating! I'll get my revenge ayanokoji... I'll humiliate you like how you humiliated me... That's a promise

Ibuki POV :*i thought he was maturing...*

-uploaded on November 10 2023

Chapter 17

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