challenges of "FAME"

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*the school day started ayanokoji walked to the class room of class a as he indeed promised arisu that they will play chess as he approach arisu as a chess board is already ready*

Arisu : well...should we start?

Ayanokoji : yeah let's start

*as ayanokoji seats down he couldn't help but noticed that class a students keep on looking at him. But ayanokoji ignored it as he and arisu started the chess game*

*30 minutes later*

*as ayanokoji placed his Bishop on a check mate position*

Ayanokoji : check mate

Arisu : I.. I didn't even saw that... Well you win.. Let's keep on playing

Katsuragi POV :*im... Impossible... He beaten arisu in chess... Arisu-san is 2600 rated... And he beaten her with ease*

*as arisu and Ayanokoji keep on playing the class a teacher entered the room*

Tomonari : good morning everyone

*as tomonari sees ayanokoji and arisu playing chess*

Tomonari : this is class hours and I would appreciate if you two stop now

*as arisu and ayanokoji cleaned up the chess board and ayanokoji about to leave*

Tomonari : excuse me ayanokoji

Ayanokoji : hm?

Tomonari : do you even have a teacher in the class S room?

Ayanokoji : not in the moment. Why?

Tomonari : well I wouldn't mind if you stay here

Ayanokoji : why?

Tomonari : well you certainly are the smartest in the school so if you stay here it can increase the growth of (class a)

Ayanokoji : sure I don't mind I don't even have anything else to do anything

Tomonari : great. You can just sit on the window side of the class

*as ayanokoji went to his sits down and just look at the outside and blanks out for a few moments*

*as tomonari sensei is just talking and the bell rings and everyone went outside*

Tomonari : ayanokoji tomorrow there will be a study session I hope to see you here tomorrow

Ayanokoji : don't worry I'll be there

*as ayanokoji went outside arisu grabs ayanokoji's hand*

Ayanokoji : arisu.. What are you doing

Arisu : isn't it just being a normal girlfriend

*as ayanokoji and arisu went to the cafeteria and ayanokoji couldn't help but feel the stairs of hundreds of students as arisu and ayanokoji went to sit down to their spot*

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