ayanokoji vs ryuen

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Ayanokoji : and your telling me that if u sign this paper that even if we fight we won't get into trouble with the schools S-system?

Ryuen : yes so sign it up already

Ayanokoji : no

Ryuen : what do you mean no?! Are you scared?

Ayanokoji : I'm not scared... I'm actually fired up to beat you up... But this document is incomplete

Ryuen : incomplete?

Ayanokoji : it's just a consent form it's not enough

Ryuen : so... It's impossible to have a fight with you is that what your saying?

Ayanokoji : no it's still possible

Ryuen : how so?

Ayanokoji : put some prize in this so it would be recognized as a class vs class not a 1 v 1 so add it and the prize pool will be 1‚000‚000 points

Ryuen : one million?! Are you that confident ayanokoji

Ayanokoji : yes... You could even add more people... And change the prize pool... If class S win which is only me you give me one million points but if class C wins I'll give you five million points

Ryuen POV :*this cocky bastard is getting in my nerves*

Ryuen : fine meet me tomorrow I'll beat you up

Ayanokoji : sure sure... Keep dreaming buddy

Ryuen POV :*this bastard is seriously getting in my nerves...fine you'll regret this*

?? : famous again kiyotaka?

*as a blue haired boy walked towards ayanokoji that seems to be 16 years old like most of them*

Ayanokoji : w-what... I didn't know we'd actually meet again... Shiro...

*Shiro is a fourth gen drop out. He tried to beat ayanokoji and gain the title of the "masterpiece" But when Shiro realized that ayanokoji is better than him in every category he decided to just drop out and enjoy the outside world... He was nine years old when he dropped out*

 He was nine years old when he dropped out*

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*Shiro is the blue haired boy*

Ayanokoji : so how's life?

Shiro : I should be the one asking that

*as the two strongest white room fourth generation students Shiro and ayanokoji are chatting everyone around them was confused because no class are accepting Shiro as a member so Shiro was basically an schools outsider. A non ANHS student*

Sudo : excuse me?

*Shiro turned to sudo*

Shiro : yes? Is there a problem?

Sudo : no not at all... We're just curious on what class you belong to or are you even a student? Since no class are going forward to say that your a member

Shiro : yeah I'm not a student... I just came here to visit my childhood friend ayanokoji

Sudo : childhood friend? Really? But outsiders aren't allowed to enter a school event especially ANHS

Ayanokoji : he got connections don't worry about it

Sudo POV :*yeah right... That just made me more curious*

*as Shiro interacts with the students for the whole day as evening arrived*

*in the lobby*

Hirata : what?! Repeat what you just said ayanokoji

Ayanokoji : just like what I said Shiro is a genius that is capable becoming a class S student if he wanted to

Shiro : but I still won't enroll here

Sudo : why not?

Shiro : well in the past I was always second to ayanokoji so i just give up on the competition...

*as ryuen went in the lobby*

Ryuen : ready for it?

Ayanokoji : I should be the one asking you if your ready for it

*as the scene switches to the gym where a boxing ring is located*

*all the teachers and some students went there to watch*

*Kazuma sakagami (class C teacher) *

Kazuma : ryuen will just get himself injured.....

Chabashira : yeah... He's way too much of an "strength is everything" Type of a student... Just a pain

*the match started*

*ryuen straight up runs towards ayanokoji and throws a kick while ayanokoji just dodge it ryuen then did a jab but used it's momentum to grapple ayanokoji's neck*

Ryuen : yeah where did all of your cocky ness went huh!

*ayanokoji frees himself by elbowing ryuen and ayanokoji punched ryuen in the jaw cleanly then used the momentum to liver puch ryuen and break two of his ribs*

Ryuen POV :*aackkkk! The hell?! I can feel my ribs getting crunched up... He broke two of my ribs through his gloves?!... Aaaaccckkkk?! Shit! Shit! Shit! I can feel my liver the aft- acccckkk! *

*ayanokoji used his momentum from the liver punch to turn his body and deliver a back round house kick knocking ryuen out cold*

Kazuma : just as expected...

*as ryuen was lifted off the ring shiro went on the ring with no gloves on just bare knuckle*

Shiro : ready for round two ayanokoji?

*ayanokoji smiles and gets flashbacks*

*ayanokoji smiles and gets flashbacks*

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-uploaded on November 14 2023

Chapter 20

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