"your true purpose"

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Tsukishiro : ..........fine.....the real reason is...... The white room management is trying to find a way to nurture you even further for better results

Ayanokoji : lie... Your definitely lying to me... Tell me... What's your purpose... Why are you here... Tell me why all the coincidence that I've just said are so "convenient" For you

Tsukishiro : I would recommend you to ask your father and not me he'll tell you everything that you want

Ayanokoji : so you know the answers but your telling me to just ask my father and not you?

Tsukishiro : exactly... You have his number right?

Ayanokoji : of course I do...
*Tsukishiro left quickly*
*Ring! Ring! Ring!*

Atsuomi : yes?

Ayanokoji : it's Ayanokoji... Your son

Atsuomi : you don't need to tell me that your my son Ayanokoji... What do you need?

Ayanokoji : where are you? Are you need this exam?

Atsuomi : no why?

Ayanokoji : this conversation is only appropriate if we talk in person father

Atsuomi : ok... Well I could probably make some reservations next week I'll probably be there

Ayanokoji : great

Atsuomi : why do we need to talk about?

Ayanokoji : something... Important...

Atsuomi : well I trust you that everything you do has a reason so don't worry I'll be there nextweek

Ayanokoji : ok thank you father...
*end call*
Ayanokoji : "sigh" Well I'll wait for a week huh... I've already read all of the rules so I'll just train for the next two months...

*Ayanokoji went to the training building filled with students training*
*other people/students*
"Yo that's him right?"

"Yeah that's him..."

"Who even is that? you guys are over reacting"

"What?! Do you not know him? That Ayanokoji Kiyotaka"

"W-what? Really"

"Yeah that's him"

"S-should we ask him to be our training coach?"

"Yeah that's a good idea"
Ayanokoji POV :*did I heard that right?... Well I don't really need to train "no one can beat me even at my weakest"*

Me : that's one of Ayanokoji's most famous monologue
Student #1 : umm excuse me Ayanokoji-sempai

Ayanokoji : I'm pretty sure we're the same age

Student #2 : y-yeah your right but we're only paying respect to you as... You know... The sole class-S student and a great student...

Ayanokoji : ok... What do you need?

Student #3 : uhh could you train us... Please?

Ayanokoji : ok but what am I going to gain from this?

Student #2 : well... Nothing but we're just asking for help in training?

Ayanokoji : "sigh" Ok fine...
Koenji : oi Ayanokoji-boy training those peasants are we?

Students #1-#3 : p-peasants?! How dare you

Koenji : what? It's not like I'm lying you three are one of a kind of peasants I mean... What do you three give Ayanokoji in return for him giving you three his time?

Student #2 : w-well.........

Koenji : see what I mean? Plus Ayanokoji you're the only one who is worthy of my time since you are the only one who is comparable to me

Ayanokoji : Koenji... I'd rather waste my time on useless things then to interact with a narcissist bastard like you

*Ayanokoji said those words still with a poker face*

Koenji : ha! Hahahaha you really are good at comebacks aren't you

Ayanokoji : what the hell do you need? If your looking for a brawl I'm not in the mood today

*as the students left because of the increasing tension*

Koenji : brawl? Why would I so such a barbaric thing?

Ayanokoji : just tell me what you need so I can go on my way

Koenji : well I see what your doing

Ayanokoji : hm?

Koenji : I can see that winning is everything for you... You teamed up with class A's leader Arisu Sakayanagi for a reason

Ayanokoji :... Really now... Ok tell me what did you think the reason I teamed up with Arisu...
Koenji : *chuckled* yeah... I do... You want to be the next student Council president don't you?
Ayanokoji : and where did you got that hypothesis?

Koenji : hahahaha it was pretty obvious! You're obtaining public fame as you place yourself in a dying situation for your love one... Now the people's view of you has changed... People see you as a "kind" "Supportive" And someone that would go out of his way to "help".......... You'll definitely fail this exam in exchange so the people's view of you change... Lost the battle but you'll win the war... You just want the public's side....... An inborn politician...

Ayanokoji :...... Well there's no point in lying at this moment... I never underestimated you because I know that you're a capable person... But to this extend?... Your observation skills are definitely above genius... Have you told someone else about this?

Koenji : hm no obviously... Your manipulating everyone for your own benifits...

Ayanokoji : that's right... "Even if I lose I did it on purpose..."
Koenji : you really are incredible aren't you... Well I hope you'll keep me entertained in this boring school...
*as Koenji left the building*
-uploaded on January 22 2024

Chapter 38

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