reputation exam

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*as Ayanokoji read the rules his eyes widened*

Ayanokoji : interesting......




The "reputation exam"
You will be strapped into a
government funded new generation
lie detector
This will give you a series of personal questions and whether you are a good person
Some people do bad things and hide it but when they are with other people they act like the "nice one" your most respected person might be a bad influence and this will expose your deepest darkest secrets for those who always lie infront of others so they can look up to them they will be expose as this test will be performed on a stage infront of all year-1 students
If you lie your class will be deducted of 5 points but if you tell the truth your class will gain 5 points

Ayanokoji POV :*the whole premise of this exam is to expose those people who has a bad or good intentions for others... Kushida will definitely be in trouble and those perverted students...*

*Ayanokoji noticed Ichinose looking at the rules blankly*

Ayanokoji : are you ok Ichinose?

*Ichinose was startled as she looked at Ayanokoji trying to Fake a smile*

Ichinose : u-um yeah of course don't worry about me Ayanokoji-kun

Ayanokoji POV :*she's worried about the exam... She's hiding something from everyone, This test might actually ruin her reputation... This exam will definitely be troubling*







-uploaded on April 15 2024

Chapter 44

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