Ryuen's FEAR

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Ayanokoji : I think there's been a misunderstanding

Ryuen : what?

Ayanokoji : "I'm not the one in trouble here"... There's only you here with me... You'll need more than that knuckle brass...

Ryuen : your a man with big words...

*as Ryuen raises his knuckle brass fist ready to strike Ayanokoji*
















*12 minutes later*

*as Ryuen stopped striking Ayanokoji*

Ryuen : w-what the hell...

*after all that time... After Ryuen punched Ayanokoji with a knuckle brass... For the past 12 minutes nonstop...... Ayanokoji still has that same cold soulless expression... No FEAR What so ever... There was Not even the the sound of struggling pain in that 12 minutes... Like it was nothing?*

Ayanokoji : what? Was that "it?"

Ryuen : h-how can you still be composed after all of that.....




*suddenly Ayanokoji breaks the ropes that was tied to him on the side of the tree*




Ryuen : h-hey! What the hells the meaning of this?!

Ayanokoji : well it's pretty obvious... I was just letting you hit me... This shows that I don't even see you as a threat to defend myself... You're so weak I could've untied myself from the beginning but no...

Ryuen :... So... You just made a fool of me...

Ayanokoji : precisely yes... Shattering a tyrants ego is pretty much the same as of what I did to you...

hiyori POV :*t-that must've hurt... H-how is he this strong... I know Ayanokoji is strong but he was punched with a Knuckle brass nonstop for what I assume 10 minutes... He has amazing pain tolerance it's not normal for a high school student to have such a high pain tolerance...*




*suddenly Ryuen started fighting Ayanokoji while still wearing the knuckle brass*




*as the fight goes on Ayanokoji doesn't counter but... Dodge mockingly*

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