"school break"

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*day : Saturday as ayanokoji went to the mall with arisu once more as he sees class b and class d shopping like a group*

Ayanokoji POV :*this is surprising... They're mostly close... Like a singular class*

*Ichinose noticed ayanokoji*

Ichinose : ayanokoji hey there *noticed arisu holding ayanokoji's hand* are you two on a daaateee~?

Arisu : yes we are

Ayanokoji : when did class b and d got close? Shopping together?

Ichinose : well because horikita hirata
and kushida proposed peace and alliance with class b so it wouldn't be a bad idea to gain allies

Ayanokoji POV :*well if those three worked together that means this is part of class d's plan of some sort..while ichinose progression is insanely fast... She already knows their plan and ichinose probably have a counter already*

Ayanokoji : is that so...

Hirata : wanna join us ayanokoji?

*ayanokoji looked at arisu*

Arisu : well it's not a bad idea... So ayanokoji are we gonna join?

Ayanokoji : why not

*as ayanokoji and arisu joined the group ayanokoji sees his father looking at him over the third floor*

*as they continue the shopping trip ayanokoji couldn't stop to feel like he's being watched...as he sees a couple white room agents monitoring him and class b and d*

Arisu : you can see it too huh... So what are you gonna do?

Ayanokoji : don't worry I have a plan

*as they continue the shopping trip without noticing ayanokoji disappeared in the crowd as the white room agents went closer looking for him as ayanokoji suddenly took both agents to a corner of the mall as the agents was against the wall while ayanokoji tighten his grip in their necks*

Ayanokoji : why did my father send you guys here

Agent #1 : w-wait... W-were just h-here to monitor your progress

Ayanokoji : does my father know about my tests

Agent #2 : y-yes everyone knows about that psychological test you did to that class b

*as ayanokoji's father walked out of the the elevator walking to ayanokoji*

Atsuomi : don't worry the elevator is closed for now... Drop my agents ayanokoji

*as ayanokoji let's go of the agents*

Atsuomi : I've found out yesterday about the progress of that one girl in class b (atsuomi is talking about ichinose) ... I didn't even though that it was possible for an artificial genius to be developed without death or trauma to elivate their brain function... You're really more capable than I thought... A psycological test to a teenager and it worked with accuracy and without death... I just went here to monitor what's you plan‚concept‚strategies and your ways on how you did it...

Ayanokoji : your a real pain father

Atsuomi : ok ok... Just go back to your shopping group and let me monitor in peace

Ayanokoji : fine... But don't interact with class b and d ok

Atsuomi : deal...

*as ayanokoji went back to
class b and d to continue the shopping trip*

-uploaded on November 7 2023

*all of you guys are probably wondered why this is such a short chapter... It's because chapter 12-15 is uploaded on the same day... So technically I was very busy and this is actually a very long chapter if you combine the length of the words of the four chapters it's 2000-2300 words*

Chapter 15

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